The best part about this dinner was that we stripped them for the bath as soon as they were done eating. I got to the bath with Madden first, set him it...and chunks of chili and meat were falling everywhere. Then....I noticed a particularly large piece of meat. Yah.....totally not meat. So as I pulled the plug to run some non-poopy bath water....up comes Hudson (you see the picture--totally full of chili). Try to keep two mobile infants who are FULL of chili still while the bath water runs. Not fun. We had chili on the floor, and the toilet, and the cabinets...everywhere! Nice time to take a poopy in the tub, Madden!
The winter blues. It's mid-January...freezing cold...and we have 3 little ones cooped up. Oh, and not to mention their parents are cooped up too. When Craig or I have a day off...all we do is play, clean, play, clean. It's too cold and too much work to take the kids out, alone. So inside...we sit. I am dying for some warmer weather!! So...this weekend to keep us from going crazy we had an art show, organized toys and brought up the slide from the basement. We should be good for a week or so....
Paisley was lucky enough to have spent the night at Grandma Brenda's house for some quality mema-Paisers time, so Hudson had some quality Londa time. (He and several other kiddos!)
Paisley and I also took in a North basketball game. Okay....we DID go to the game....but really went just to watch the dancers! The Alumni dance team performed, so we had to go cheer them on! Paisley was amazed with the dancing, confused at why they were wearing t-shirts and not "pretty outfits" and I teared up (as I always do) because I seriously miss dance THAT much!
Not only did this week bring out the blues, weather wise, but we also learned that Craig's grandma Marian has cancer. She will be starting chemo this age 91! She is the strongest, most special 91 year old that I have ever met. We are saying extra prayers that she can handle the chemo, and that she continues to be her sweet, sports-loving self. We are grateful that we see her every Sunday night for dinner, and hope that the treatments don't prevent her from living her life to the fullest.
Tonight before dinner she got some extra snuggles from Hudson...
Baby Update: 18 weeks
We had an appointment last week....and all is well. The heart beat was in the 150's and I am measuring right on. I have been able to feel baby of the greatest joys in life. Seriously. I think all mom's will agree that there is nothing better! (well.....unless you are 38 weeks pregnant with twins...) I can't feel him/her during the day yet, but when I lay in bed at night I can feel he/she moving about.
I am still craving air heads. AND, the grocery store does not carry them. UGH. I'm seriously thinking about taking a trip to Sam's Club to get some in bulk.
If you are wondering if we have purchased or planned anything for this baby, the answer is nope. I am banking on the fact that baby #4's legs will be open for us to take a sneak peek in a few weeks, and if not....ummmm....there can't be an "if not". It's like I have to know in order to plan. If it's a girl, she will sleep in Paisley's room, and we kept P's crib we'll be set. If it's a boy...then....ummmm....that's still up for discussion. The kids bedrooms are pretty big. But big enough for 3 cribs, I'm not so sure. Especially when the twins are still so little! I'm willing to give up our master bedroom if it's a boy...Craig says absolutely not. So...we'll see!
And be thinking of us on Tuesday, as it's Paisley's big surgery!! I'm so nervous to see her get put under, and already sad thinking about her being scared. I understand it's a routine surgery...but still scary nonetheless. We've stocked up on popsicles, frozen yogurt, fun juices and other soft and cold foods. Wish us luck...should be an interesting week!
~Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden, Oscar and Baby
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