Oh, Wisconsin. Lots we could say about you right now---but for today, we will focus on the crazy WI weather. I mean...the snow in 2010 and 2011 thus far has been unreal. It makes it even more difficult to enjoy winter when the twins aren't really big enough to go out and play. So, that means we are cooped up all day, every day. Spring can't come fast enough for the Berg clan. But...we did seem to get a teeny tiny glimpse of spring for a couple of days last week...and we took advantage of it! Kinda sad how 45 degrees seems "so warm"! And today, Sunday--it snows and snows and snows, again. So depressing. Beautiful, if you have no children and nowhere to go. But until spring is here for real, we can all look at this picture, when I walked 6 blocks without a coat on!
Earlier this week the twins had their 1 year check up with Dr. VandeLoo. It was quite the experience. You can all image how large a doctor room is-- so then add Craig and I, Paisley, and two boys who want to walk and climb on everything!! Plus diaper bags, blankies, winter coats....it gets to be quite warm up in there! :) They each had 4 shots...and then had to get their blood drawn too. The 1 year check up= not so much fun for mom and dad!
However, they both are doing very well! We talked with the doctor about Hudson's refusal to drink whole milk. He assured us that they only two ingredients we really need from cow's milk are calcium and vitamin D. So when I got home, I checked the labels...and the almond milk has exactly the same nutrients (in those areas) as the whole milk does. Whew!! However, we are going to try to get the little bugger off of this "special, vanilla, almond....extra expensive" milk asap!
And...as I look back at how huge I was when the twins were born, and their birth weights, I would have maybe thought that they would be big boys. Who was I kidding?!?!
Hudson weighs 19 pounds 5 ounces-- he is in the 6th percentile for weight. He is 28.54 inches tall, which places him in the 13th percentile for height.
Madden weighs 18 pounds 14 ounces-- he is in the 4th percentile for weight. Madden is 28.54 inches tall, exactly the same as Hudson...in the 13th percentile.
Friday afternoon I left EC and headed to the cities to meet up with my bestie, Amy. We were on a mission to purchase baby number 4 some goodies. I got all of the kids a few outfits, even a matching one for Paisley and Baby 4 (which miss P thought was the best thing ever since H&M dress alike every day!), a special blanky...and an adorable leopard print and pink swaddling blanket-- every baby girls dream! And must I say one more time...shopping for a girl is SO much easier!!
Paisley even got another special gift from Amy (P is going to be out of luck when Amy has a baby of her own because my kids are S-poiled by her!) ....and here is her beautiful new wig from the movie Tangled. And boy does the name suit the hair. But, isn't she just gorgeous?!
BABY Update-- 6 months!! (24 weeks)
I know...I can't believe it either! The baby is about the size of an ear of corn. She is really really active, moving and kicking me lots! I'm not complaining...I love feeling her move...it's one of the things I miss most when I am not pregnant. Although, I have pretty much been pregnant for like 4 years straight. :) The fun news...Valentines day, Craig felt her move for the first time! But anyway--- all is well. I have my 6 month check up this week. No questions for me, everything is going well. I have been cramping a bit, and getting really sore if I sit or walk for too long...but all typical stuff. I am all of the sudden feeling a need to get everything ready. I want the crib and bedding and everything set up, like right now. I've also been feeling the need for a name for this babe. We do have it narrowed down to three-ish names...but we are having a hard time picking just one. I know....we have time! But even Paisley is anxious. Yesterday she informed me that her baby's name was going to be Carly, and mine was going to be Sam. (from a tv show, I-Carly). So we'll see...you never know. From the poll, it looks like most of you think the name is going to be something verrrry different. NO. Not me?! Maybe this time we will surprise you all with a really common name-- it could happen! :)
So that's it. Kinda boring, I know. Our days are full of poopy diapers, snacks, cleaning, playing and breaking up fights. In that order. But it's really anything but boring. I promise to break out the good ol' Nikon more this week to capture the business of life at the Bergs!
Until then....
Berg, Out.
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