We finally got Paisers to change her earrings! Since she got them pierced, almost 5 months ago, she's been to scared to change them. Goodbye blue flowers, hello princess monkeys!
Just admiring herself...nothing abnormal here.
Friday afternoon, Craig and I took off for our friend Vicki's wedding--- in Chicago!! The kids all stayed with Grandma Brenda...or I guess I should say Grandma Brenda stayed with the kids! This was our first entire weekend away together, since we've had kids! From the sounds of it...Grandma survived! I wasn't worried about the kids at all, they were in perfect hands. However, life at the Berg residence is anything but easy-- especially when you are alone...all weekend! Minus a few setbacks (Saturday morning the furnace wasn't working, and Oscar puking on the bed)...everything went well. Grandma even ventured up north to visit family with the kiddos--no easy task! The kids cried when she left, so that must mean they had tons of fun with her! We can't THANK YOU enough, mom, for taking the kids so that we could have one weekend away before the new baby comes! We sincerely appreciate everything you do for the entire family!! XOXO!
After a blistery drive to Chicago, including a minor accident (long story, but we got smoked by a passing truck's awning)...we arrived late Friday night. Saturday we enjoyed a really fun wedding-- Congrats, Vicki and Tom!!
And now...back to life with the kiddos!!
Baby Update: 32 weeks: 8 months!
The baby weighs about 3-4 pounds and is over 15 inches long now! She has fully-formed fingernails and toenails...and hair! Typically from now to the end, the preggo mama gains about 1 pound per week. Eeek. I've already gained almost as much as I did with the twins! Adding another 8-10 pounds doesn't sound very fun! However, reality is starting to set in...just 8 weeks to go! We have to get a few things cleaned and out, such as: tiny bottles, breast pump, swing, bouncy seat, etc. We have to figure out where baby is going to sleep when we bring her home, purchase some diapers...and I think that's about it! I have had some braxton hicks contractions this past week, but otherwise felt okay!
I'm ready to crash! Talk to you all next week!
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