Sunday, January 8, 2012

Just Playin'

My role in my children's lives consists of so many things. Disciplinarian, boo boo kisser, cook, maid, round the clock snuggler, and now, blogger. I hope some day they appreciate it and aren't like, "seriously mom?! Why would you do that to us?!" So...until they are old enough to tell me to stop; I'm going to keep on keepin' on.

Throughout all of the pushing and screaming and crying and fighting, the kids really do play well together.

Good news! Craig forced Hudson to go outside! And...he actually liked it! Weird! :) I love this next picture of the twins. They were loving them some snow-food.

We've only seen the beginning, but it's starting already...Everleigh is able to move juuuuust enough to snatch up the twins toys. And they do not like it one bit. Reason number 527 not to have your kids super close together. The twins just don't understand. So until they do, this should be fun.

Nice. All I can say is, nice, Paisley.

It was time for the boys to get hair cuts, so Craig and I tag teamed. What this means, is that Craig did most of it and I criticized the way he did it the entire time. And then I'd take the scissors and take a few snips, and then he'd go back to cutting, and I'd go back to telling him he was doing a terrible job. Isn't that nice? But in the end, the boys ended up with decent hair cuts (I know you're dying inside, Mary...sorry!). I'd prefer to just take them somewhere next time, but free tastes so much better.

(and no, this isn't the finished product. I promise, it looks pretty good. :) )

Hudson hates haircuts. After he sat on my lap and ate a sucker he did better, but still isn't a fan.

It's quite dry here in the Midwest, so it's a good idea to lather up in Vaseline from time to time. You might as well use up the entire extra large container over the course of two days as well. And if you miss your actual skin, and get it like, all over the floor, chairs, counter, garbage can, sure does lube everything up. Stinkers!!

Enjoy your week,
~The Bergs

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