Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another angel to watch over me...

Today is a very sad day for me because my Great Grandma Evie passed away. Great Grandma Evie is Grandpa Mike's mommy. We always had lots of fun together because she let me play with her cool coffee table and her coasters. She also had a very fun walker that I liked to push around. She always made me smile...and I think I made her smile too! I will miss my Great Grandma Evie very much, but know she is protecting me up in heaven with my other great grandparents. I think she's probably happy to see Great Grandpa Art too...I bet they are already playing golf! Lots of love from down below, grams! xoxo

Grandma Evie holding me when I was just a couple of weeks old.

Great Grams and I on her 80th Birthday


At Play Group with Bentley the Bear

Making a rainbow with Dad

I love to dump out the blocks and wear the bucket on my head!

Cutie Patootie in the bath tub

This week I still haven't been feeling the greatest. My nose is super runny and I have a bad cough. I hope it goes away soon!! However, the great news is that it's been so nice out that I have been able to play outside!!! We've gone on a ton of walks and played in the yard. I can't wait to bring my crazy coupe outside and drive down the sidewalk! This week Carly, Haley, Emily and Katelyn all took turns babysitting me. I had lots of fun...even if I was a big no-napping stinker for Haley!

This weekend I got to hang out with Amy again, love it! Other than that, I have just been busy playing. I am really into Mr.Potato Head and my blocks. As you can see from the picture, I loooove to dump the blocks everywhere!!

I think that's it. It's been quite the day here...Hope you all have a good week. Back to Londa's for me...



Don't forget to turn the sound off on the music player down below!!!

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