Sunday, May 10, 2009

I love my MAAAAA!

Mommy and I :)

Scarf dancing

Shake it. Shake it. Shake it like a Polaroid picture.

Auntie and I at the garage sale

4 Generations
Grandma Brenda, Mommy, Great Grandma Wanda and I

And all the girls at our brunch. I had to get one with Aunt Mary (my Godmother) too!!
See how smiley everyone is?? Now look at my face!! Picture after picture. UGH!
Happy Mother's Day!!

I really do love my mommy...but this week I gave her and daddy a run for their money. I guess to put it nicely, I challenged them this week. I had tantrum after tantrum, cried over everything and nothing, and screamed and yelled!! I even heard them talking about which rug was going to be the "naughty rug". HA! Like I am going to sit on a stupid rug during a tantrum. I'll show them! Can you say "power struggle"???? Today I was better behaved, because of Mother's Day...but I'm not sure yet about tomorrow...we'll see what kind of mood I'm in!

During the week my mom took me to a music class!! I had lots of fun performing in the middle of the circle. All of the other kids sat with (or at least by) their parents...but not me! I stood right in the middle where everyone could see me. I had a good time...until my mom wouldn't let me play with an outlet (how dare she) I threw another huge front of everyone. Hey, attention either's all good!

The rest of the week we set up for our thrift sale!! Auntie Melissa and mommy had a sale at our house on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. There were so many things to get into, and first pick at lots of Makyah and Cambree's toys, score!! It was a long 3 days of selling our junk, but I absolutely loved playing outside with the kids...auntie Melissa...and especially MY uncle Cal!! I just don't understand why I had to walk around with a price tag on. And most of all...why no one wanted to buy me!!??!! Oh wait! It could have been because I was crying the majority of the time. Hopefully my parents are secretly thankful I didn't sell. (just like my mom was secretly thankful the george foreman grill didn't sell) :)

Today mommy and I went to brunch in Chetek with great grandma and grandpa, G&G Moe, and the Wojtyna's. mmmm...good stuff!! Then this evening we did supper at G&G Berg's. I had a nice day with mom---and like I said...I gave her a break with the constant tantrums today...I'm so sweet.
Well...have a good week! Again, happy mother's day to all the special mommy's out there!

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