Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wet n Wild at 18 months

I'm 18 months old...Happy 1/2 Birthday to me!! Can you believe I am closer to two than one...yikes! Some of you know me well and see me often, and others of you I hardly see. Here is an update on what Miss Paisley Rian, the 18 month old can do...

*JUMP! Sometimes I still have trouble actually getting my feet off the ground, but you should see me prep for the jump. I am truly amazing.

*I can say 5 animal sounds-- dog, kitty, cow, lion and duck.

*I can feed myself with a spoon and fork...with basically no spilling at all.

* I follow directions well (most of the time) and can do 2 step directions too.

* I can take off my shoes, and put them back on again!! (always on the wrong feet!)

* I can finally ride my outdoor toys forwards!!

* I can match objects in a book and find almost anything you tell me to!

* I jabber a ton, and am super loud all of the time!

* My favorite real words to say are, "mama", "oscar", "Hiiiii", "yummy", "uh-oh", "where-go?", "gaga" (baby) and every body's favorite, "tickle tickle".

* I now say "eeese" every time I see a camera. If I'm actually eating cheese, I say "sheesh"

*I love wearing necklaces, bracelets and my mom and dad's shoes!

* My favorite foods are: cottage cheese, carrots, ketchup, pretzel rods, mandarin oranges, fruit snacks and mac n cheese.

* I love to imitate whatever you do. Pete and Repete were in a boat........totally me! :)

I also had my 18 month pictures taken. They aren't quite done yet, but you can get a sneak peek on the photographers blog.

So, finally the weather was nice enough to break out the slip n slide!! Whoo hoo!!

Here I am saying "eeese"

Besides hanging outside most of the week, and grandma came over to help paint our bathroom. Bye-Bye hot pink...hello boring tan. has to be done. I guess my parents want to move. So in order for somebody to like our house we had to get rid of the wild mean to tell me somebody would dislike a hot pink bathroom????

My silly grandma Bonnie....she put painting tape over my mouth. And I just walked around like that for a while. I'm even saying "eees" through the tape. Hmmm, I bet my Grandma Brenda wished she would have used this trick on my mommy---and I bet now Daddy will try!
Hope you all have a fun week! Thanks for checking in!
Paisley Rian

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