Well...this update sure comes with more changes in one week than ever before!! Before I give you the dish...check out this cute picture of Paisley sleeping (in our old house). The poor thing was buried under her monkey pillow. Sweet!

So...the moving began on Tuesday night, we packed up the old house into a U-Haul, many trucks and trailers and said good-bye to our first real home together. I cried a little when I walked out of Paisley's room--just so many memories. But that was the only thing that made me sad....until I walked outside and said goodbye to my neighbor and dear friend, Laura...then....I bawled!!!! It was then I realized that I wasn't going to miss the house at all...just the friends in the neighborhood!!!
Thankfully, we had wonderful help for the move.
Thank you so much to Mike, Mike, Cal, Mom, Melissa, Bonnie, Scott, Matt....and obviously Craig!!!!
Tuesday night we stayed at my mom's house, and then next morning signed away our life. Then the fun part of moving....wait, did I just say "fun"??...I take that back. Then the better part of moving was ahead of us! Moving into the new house!!

(old house)

(Kyah, Cams and P loved the moving truck!)
And here it is. Actually not a very good picture, but at least you can all picture our house now. We moved just about 2 miles from our old house, but what a difference! The amount of counter space we have in the kitchen is so fun!

Another huge plus of the new house is the......HOT TUB!! I love me some hot tubs! And I've checked with my doctor and he said I can go in for 10-15 minutes at a time! Whew! The first night, Paisers and Craig took a little dip to test it out. There is the perfect little spot for Paisley to sit and play with her toys. We just have to take extra care of her skin if she goes in often!

During the move, Paisley has been really good for the most part. She's adjusted to the changes really well for a 21 month old--only crying for about 15-20 minutes the first two nights, and hardly at all the rest of the nights. She has much more space to play--however, all she wants to do lately is color! She gets her pad of paper out like 5 times a day to color. She can even draw a perfect circle on request! However, she did get her crayons taken away once today when I found her coloring on a piece of artwork waiting to be hung. Nice.

Another very exciting part of this week is today--- Craig's 30th Birthday!!!!! Happy Birthday Craiger!! Too bad we spent most of the day organizing the house...but we were together, that's all that matters, right?!

Happy 30th!
TWIN UPDATE: 20 weeks!!!
Okay....besides moving, and Craig turning 30.....this week we had our ultra sound!! Whoo hoo!!!

First and foremost, the babies are healthy!! Everything looked just fine! We got to focus on baby A first, and get all of the measurements...then on to baby B. The babies are lying transverse (horizontal)---which...they've got some time to move into labor position, I hope!! And...if you haven't yet heard....we did find out the genders....and. it's. TWO BOYS!!!! :) I was totally shocked, and Craig is SO excited!!! If you are wondering if they are identical or fraternal, we don't yet know. And, we won't know until they are born. They are in two separate sacs, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't be identical. We'll have to wait and see!!
I am measuring at 26 weeks--don't worry, that's very typcial for being pregnant with twins. It's getting harder and harder for me to stand or walk for long periods of time...sad, I know....but true. Otherwise, I've been feeling great.

Baby A's profile

Baby B's Profile (maybe he's going to be a NFL kicker??)
So...that's a lot of info for one week. I need to get to bed!!
Have a great week--
Craig, Brook, Paisley, Oscar and the BOYS!! (Ahhh!!!)
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