So, here are some photos of our princess Paisley...
I am not the best mommy lately, in lots of pain, and that means I am not all up for playing on the floor with Paisley. She's been so good about it, and luckily, she has a great dad to play with too!
And the two of them can sure build a cute snowman! life will soon change here at the Berg household, what is Miss P up to these days??
Making slides with blocks, serving us play food, putting her babies in the swing, watching Dora and Mickey, jumping, spinning in circles, coloring, asking to "go" to Kyah's house or me-mas house and eating Mr.Freezies.
TWIN Update: 38 weeks
I seriously didn't think I would have to be blogging about being 38 weeks pregnant with twins. But, here I am. They each weigh 6 pounds now. Yes, friends, that is a total of 12 pounds in just baby. I mean, I was 6 pounds when I was born, and there was just one of me!! I hate to take up the space on this blog complaining about how bad this week has been....but it's be SO bad. I have never, ever, been this miserable in my life. I so wish I was at a point where I could talk about all the joys of being pregnant, and the blessings that are about to come into our world.....but the cramping, back ache, pressure, leg pain, swelling and inability to move takes over-- so instead I write....this sucks!!!!!
However, tomorrow I do have a doctor's appointment. At which, I am hoping that we will be scheduling my induction. He did say to me months ago, "Oh, you will have babies by the 10th!" Well, Dr.Dovre, that's in 2 days!!! So I really hope that this week is the week that we get to meet these little boys!!!
I would like to say, however, that I am one lucky lady. I have a great husband...and a wonderful mom, who have both been really helpful these past couple of weeks. I couldn't have done this without you! I am so excited to finally meet my son's, and I can't wait to share them with all of you as well!!
I'll keep you posted....until then, prayers for a healthy, fast, delivery are welcomed. And when you think you are having a fat day, please, just take a look at this picture and I assure you, you'll feel thin!! :)
~Brook, Craig, Paisley and 2 inside babies
wow how many inches around is that??? you still look beautiful though!
I'm not sure, Peggy...I'm too scared to measure!! BIG! I am 47 cm from top of my uterus to the bottom, but don't know around. I guess I should do that, just to feel better when I'm not this big. LOL.
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