Sunday, May 16, 2010


What's new with, Paisley...
Paisley is potty trained!! Whoo hoo!! As you know, she started wearing big girl undies last Saturday. And since then, she hasn't had any accidents during awake time! We are so proud of her...and sometimes after she goes potty she'll say, "mama proud of me", it's so cute. She refuses to wear pull ups during naps or nighttime, which I'm okay with (kind of), as I told her we weren't going back to diapers, however...we've washed her bedding 3 times this week! :) We went to cousin Makyahs spring sing, (good job kyah!) and even there she told me she had to go. So with a sleeping baby in tow, no shoes on Paisers, we ran to the public restroom and I somehow hoisted her up on the toilet. We even now have a fascination with public restrooms and flushing the toilets. We went to BWW to eat, and we visited the restroom 4 times, only resulting in one tinkle. I'm sure all you other moms are giggling inside, as all kids do it...right?!
Besides becoming a big girl like "Kyah and Mams (Cambree)" , Paisley is into playing games on the computer. And wow....teaching a 2 year old to use a mouse is SO frustrating!!! She's also into playing Candyland, and does really well. She's even figured out how to cheat by finding the character cards (opposed to the color cards)....but really, she can count to 10 and knows all of her colors, so the game is perfect for her.
Paisley has also gotten quite sassy in the past couple of weeks!! She has learned how to use the word "now" when I tell her to wait, she yells, "no, now!" She has been to the time out step a few times this week...including once at daycare for hitting her friends with a bowling ball and bowling pin! Her attitude has continued by throwing things as well. It's so fun to have a 2 year old! :) On Friday I am teaching a class titled, "Toughing out the Toddler Years"....looks like I'll have plenty of real life examples to share!!

(Craig and the kiddos. Paisley, Madden, Hudson)

(In a heated game of Cand. E. Land.)
The twins are 3 months old already...crazy!!! My tiny infants are growing so fast.....
What's new with, Hudson....
Hudson is talking up a storm, and starting to giggle!! He is SO smiley, and follows people across the entire room. He loves bathtime, rocking, eating his hands, drooling, and is now baring all his weight while standing. He is sleeping awesome too....from about 9:00pm-3/4:00 am!! His whimper of a cry is pathetic, and so cute! Our favorite Hudson-funny is that he farts and scares himself into a cry!! Our little H Bomb is growing so much!!

What's new with, Madden....
Madden is so fun to listen to talk! He is almost giggling, and his smile is so big it looks like it hurts! He wants to sit up on his own, loves eating burp rags, bats at overhead objects, spits up like crazy, and has learned how to scream like a toddler. Madden sleeps from 9:00pm to about 1/2:00...I guess he wants alone time with mom...and then he wakes again when Hudson gets up to eat too. This little guy isn't the best sleeper at night, but.....we'll keep him anyway!
And, what's new this week....
Paisley started the week with a fever, and ended in with her first visit to the doctor (besides well baby check ups). She was complaining of a owie in her I took her in for a strep test. Thankfully, it was negative!! Friday afternoon, my friend, Krista from college and her two kiddos drove to see us!! Amy came too!!
(Paisley, Vada and Jaxson)

(Krista and Madden)

(Amy and Hudson)
Amy ended up staying with the kids and I on Saturday night. Craig went to LaCrosse for a bachelor Amy hung out with us, and even got up in the middle of the night with me! What a good best friend!!

Well, this week Craig goes back to work for good, on Thursday.....Grandma Brenda to the rescue!! We are excited to have Grandma watch the kids for the summer---but sad that Grandpa Mike won't be here to help. He leaves for Afghanistan on Tuesday for 3 months. We had lunch with him today---it's never fun to say goodbye for the 3 months...we're going to miss him lots! Thank goodness for Skype!!

Thanks for checking to you next week!
~Brook and Fam

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