Hudson weighs 16 pounds 9 ounces (29th percentile) and is 25.83 inches long (22nd percentile). He is very observant and is obsessed with looking at his own hands. He is pretty calm, except when he is being fed. He cries with every bite of veggies, and then stops when you feed him fruit. He also cries (a really pathetic cry) when he's not being fed fast enough! :) Hudson can sit on his own, stand unsupported hanging on to the couch or a toy for a few seconds, can finally roll over (although he chooses not to most days), eats crackers, stage 2 and 3 foods and is always smiling. He loves being upside down and being tickled.
Madden weighs 15 pounds, 7 ounces (12th percentile) and is 25.51 inches long (14th percentile). He is super feisty and has quite the temper. He has been doing a really high pitched screech when he's mad lately. Super fun. Madden can sit on his own, is almost ready to crawl, can stand hanging onto the couch or a toy for a few seconds, eats crackers and other finger foods along with stage 2 and 3 foods. He is either really happy and smiling or really mad and crying--there's not really an in between with Madden. He loves jumping and grabbing anything he's not suppose to have.
On Saturday, the kids and I went to visit Amy in the cities. It was my first trip to MN with the kids alone. It went surprisingly well! We visited with Amy...and Paisley got a very special twin baby gift from Aim!
Then we all headed over to my friend Tiffany's house to meet her new baby, Gibson! Paisley LOVED him. Which kind of surprised me. I thought she'd be like...I know the impact these things thank you!....but...she wanted to hold him lots and love him up! It also made me realized just how big the twins are. *sigh*

This past week was Grandma Brenda's last week of doing summer day care for the kids. :( We owe her a huge THANK YOU for all of the snuggles, braids, play-doh time, folded laundry and the endless love!! I'm sorry I didn't get a picture of her and the kids---but I will soon. I hope Grandma enjoyed her time here this summer as much as Paisley and the boys did. And....Craig and I really appreciate it, mom!! Love you!!
So...this week, the Hood girls will babysit...and then the following week....we go to Londa's house!!!! Whoo hoo!!
This afternoon I leave for a work conference, 4 1/2 hours away. Craig just happened to have the next 3 days off, so it worked out well. That's a long time to be alone with 3 kiddos...but I know they'll be fine. I hope I am too!!!! I'm going to miss them SOO much!! (Although, think of all of the sleep I will get!!! :) )
And...we have to welcome a new friend...Addison Jean was born on the 20th! Congrats, Missy, Ryan and big sis, Ella! We are anxious to meet her, and welcome her to daycare too! I can already see Madden and Hudson fighting over her. ;)
Have a great week--
~Brook n Family
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