Sunday, March 6, 2011

Top 100 - VOTE!

Sorry, no blog post this week. Mama Berg is super sick with the flu, day 4 now.
However, I would like to quick thank Craig and both Grandmas for helping me with the kids...I'm pretty sure I have never been this sick in my adult life before. I really appreciate it!

And secondly...if you haven't heard, out of 1800 babies, Hudson made the top 100 for a "baby idol" contest! Tonight (Sunday) is the last night you can vote. So...PLEASE log on to search for baby idol, and find Hudson (under the H's) and vote for him!!! ......OR, if I did it correctly, this link should take you directly there.


Have a good week--

~The Bergs

1 comment:

{Emily} said...

I knew something was up when I didn't hear from you on Friday at all! Feel better! xoxo