Sunday, September 18, 2011

3 months already!

This week, Paisley and I went to the public library. She was beyond excited to get very own library card! I think she was a bit overwhelmed...and quickly chose 5 books to take home. She didn't quite understand that we could take our time and look through several books, even if they weren't the ones we would take home. I'm looking forward to taking her back soon to get new ones!

And even though it's so hard to believe, our little Everleigh Calla turned 3 months old yesterday! She will hardly sit still anymore, lifting her head to see what's going on around her! She even gave us her very first giggle this week....which melts a mama's heart every single time! She's reaching for objects, grasping toys and bringing them to her mouth and is getting close to rolling over. She's a pretty big girl! :) 

Everleigh eats every three hours during the day and typically sleeps from 10:00pm to somewhere between 3-5 to get up to eat, and then goes back to sleep for a couple hours.

She LOVES it when Paisley talks to her. She smiles every time. It's SO cute! 
Everleigh...3 months old!

The twins have been lots of fun lately--they are getting a little bit more under control. A little. They got the "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" from a garage sale and are loving it! 

I went to check on the boys...I guess Hudson was too tired to even make it to his pillow...he'd rather just sit and sleep. :)

Today we made play-doh...which was fun...but I think I miss summer already! 

I'd love to write more...but the space bar is broken (thanks, Hudson) this has been painful to type!! Thanks for checking in... Brook and Fam

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