Sunday, October 16, 2011

I am learning...

Last week I failed Everleigh, this week, I fail the twins...especially Hudson. Sorry! I promise I do my very best to snap shots of all of the kids, but it's really difficult some weeks! In fact, I don't have many pictures at all...I do however, have lots to say. :)

First of all-- Mr. Madden. This lovable guy is giving us a run for our money. He is our, let's say, "active" one. And by active, I mean he's getting into trouble 50% of the day. But when we tell him NO, or try to do any type of discipline, he laughs and does it again. We've. Tried. Everything. SO...we now have a gate that separates our kitchen and laundry room. This is where Madden will go for 2 minutes when he --most likely-- pulls hair. We haven't had to use it...yet. We'll see if this affects the little bugger.

And the other strong-willed one in the family... She is now "earning reward rocks" ---which basically means that she has been a terrible listener, and we needed to implement something to encourage good behavior. So, when she listens well, she earns a rock. When the rocks get to the pink ribbon...she gets to choose to go to the movies, children's museum, library, water park, or something else she's dying to do. However...when she is not listening, bub-bye rocks. So far, it's worked like a charm!

Friday night, Craig and I participated in a scavenger hunt with our friends. It was SO fun! We broke into three teams and went around the town checking things off our list. I wish I could show you the pictures of the things we had to do, but, uh...this is a family blog. However, we do have team team, the Brewers, 2nd place...

And Craig's team, the Badgers...coming in dead last. Sorry, babe. (maybe)

There are two things miss Everleigh Calla wants to do these days. 1) Be held 2) Suck on her hands

I can't believe that tomorrow, Ever turns 4 months old!! In fact, just as I am writing this....she rolled over from her belly to her back for the first time! Of course, I missed it, as I a typing away--but Craig yelled from the other room. Yay, Evers!

Paisley and I went to a family fall PJ party at my work...

and Sunday, I had a baby shower to attend, so the Lokkens babysat all four kiddos for the first time. THANK YOU!!

Although the best part of our blog is catching up with the family, I kinda have a few things to say.
In my short 4 years of being a mom, I am learning so much...

I am learning... that the work/family balance is really hard. Pursuing a career and doing all you can to grow professionally doesn't work that well when you are thinking about living room dance parties and reading books with your children. I love making a difference in the lives of struggling families-- but not when my own family needs me too!

I am learning...That I cannot keep up with the groceries in the house. As I was shopping one week, the cashier said, "So, are you shopping for some special occasion?" I responded, "Nope, just our weekly trip to the grocery store" and then I was quick to say, "but I have four children at home."--- However, I purposefully didn't say that one of those four only drinks breast milk and that the other kids are 3 and under!" Hopefully she was, she looks young for having teenagers in her house! :) Which then makes me think about taking out a second mortgage to pay for groceries when the kids really are teenagers!

 I am learning...  That I never want dance parties in our living room to end. I will always, always, always remember how 5 out of 7 nights a week we crank the music, sing and dance. Sometimes the lights are off and we use flashlights for strobe lights, and sometimes if we don't "dance right", Paisley storms off in a tizzy...but that this is my favorite time of the night and will cherish it in my memory (and on video!) forever!

I am learning...that boy clothes are still really ugly. Someone, please design inexpensive boy clothes that do not have animals, trucks or cheesy saying on them!

I am learning...that I have a very helpful husband. Period.

I am learning...That I can't imagine my life without diapers. Diapers, diapers and diapers-- that's all we do!

I am learning... that it's really hard when people you don't want to influence your children, do. If only I could be in control forever....

I am learning...That I feel really lucky that I am educated on child development and positive parenting practices. This does not mean that I am a perfect parent, nor that I know everything there is to know. However, I am learning that most days I am really proud of the way I am raising my children.
  I am also learning... that no matter how proud I am of how I am raising my children...someday they will blame me for everything. They will likely relate who they are to what I did. And that is scary!

I am learning...That I miss going out to eat. Being waited on is awesome.

I am learning...That I am really lucky. On the worst days, when my jobs are stressful and I can't seem to get a handle on life-- I have to think that we are all healthy and that we all love each other. It could be so much worse. I'm learning to keep myself in check.

I am learning...That the reason Craig takes so long in the bathroom is because that is the only place you can have respite. Sometimes that comes with banging on the door or hearing me yell, "UGH, what is your dad doing in there?!?!" but that it's the only place to have a moment alone.

I am learning ... that wresting and rough-housing irritates me, but that I'm going to have to get over it. It never ends well, so why even begin it?

I am learning...that raising children is the hardest job I will ever love. It's the most rewarding too. To watch Paisley become so caring--always asking, "how was your day, mom?" or saying, "I love my whole family" makes me so proud. Watching Hudson and Madden offer each other some of their snack-- or hearing them yell "MAMA" when I get home from work will never get old.

I am learning.... "It's not only children who grow. Parents do too. As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours. I can't tell my children to reach for the sun. All I can do is reach for it, myself. "~Joyce Maynard

Good Night
Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden & Everleigh

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