Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Day in the Life of...

There is never enough time in the day. If only there were a few more hours to get things done. On the other hand, sometimes I'm thankful bed time has arrived so quickly, for all of us.

Our family has a few different schedules we follow because the kids only go to day care 2-3 days a week. The other days, either Craig or I are home. We both work full time, but Craig's schedule rotates, so he always has some days off during the week.

This day in our life happens to be a Monday. A day in which both Craig and I work, and which we have no evening commitments. So here is a day in my life...

5:54 am: My alarm goes off. Please don't judge my alarm settings. I'm keeping it real for y'all. This is really our life. (as you can see I have a work out alarm. I never use it. Obvi.)
By this time, Craig is already at work for the day, so I'm on my own to get the kids ready.


6:00: I roll out of bed unwillingly. I always, always want to sleep longer. I shower, do my hair and makeup and get dressed for the day. (I spared you the photos of that. You're welcome.)
Sometimes, the kids wake up before 7. If so, this is what the bathroom ends up looking like while I get ready. (terrible, I know.)

6:55: I wake the kids, if they aren't already up.

7:05: I get the kids dressed. My anxiety also rises because it never fails that at least 2 of the 4 have some issue with getting dressed. They either don't want to, the line on their sock isn't straight, Madden took the underwear Hudson wanted, or they aren't happy with an outfit. This particular day, Everleigh made me chase her like an animal around. The stinker would not cooperate. She laughed about it too.

7:20: I pour my coffee. It's quite possibly my favorite part of the day. 
7:20: I help the kids brush their teeth and get shoes on. Then I do the girls' hair. Then I make them a quick breakfast. The reason I have no picture is because I'm running around crazy doing the above mentioned.
7:35: The kids eat breakfast and watch cartoons. Nearly every day they want an Ego Waffle with peanut butter on it. It's easy, so I'm cool with that.

7:40: While they eat, I pack my lunch, grab a breakfast bar to throw in my purse, and start to load up the van. I have to get blankies, pillows, any special toys, my stuff, Paisley's backpack, etc.
7:50: We load up.

7:55: We back out of the garage. I'm usually tired by this point in the day.

8:00: We drop Paisley off at school. Give lots of hugs and kisses and off she goes...
8:01: Then I drive the littles to Courtney's house. It takes us about 15-20 minutes to get there. I drink my coffee and sometimes eat my breakfast bar.

8:20: I drop the kids at day care and I drive to work. (It will be so nice in three years when there is only one drop off and pick up!)

8:30: I begin work. (I get to work much earlier on the days that Craig is off during the week)

 (At 3:05, Craig's dad picks Paisley up from school, and they go back to their house.)
4:30: I leave work to go pick up H, M and E.
5:05: I pick Paisley up from Craig's parents house.
5:15: We get home. Whew, finally. I encourage the kids to find an activity, and I start dinner. This particular day, they all did something separate, which is not the norm. Paisley dug through my old purses in the basement and played 'office'. Hudson played in the basement with toys, Madden played a game on the computer and Everleigh took selfies on my phone.
I cooked.
And helped a little girl go potty. She folds the toilet paper meticulously and it drives me crazy. It takes so long. Aint nobody got time fo dat.
Also while I'm cooking, we feed Oscar and talk about our day. Almost always, somebody makes a mess during this time too. Today, Madden spilled his milk.

6:00: We sit down to eat dinner. We are usually too hungry to wait for Craig, so he usually gets home just as we are finishing up. Just depends on the day. Don't worry, I always make him up a plate of food like the good wifey that I am.

6:25: Craig gets home from work

6:30: I start to clear the table and pile the mounds of dishes. This is not my favorite part of the day.
While I'm doing so, Everleigh takes the salt and dumps it all over the table.

6:45: Bath time. Sometimes we split duties--one of us will clean the kitchen and one of us will give baths. Or, we each take a couple of kids to bathe, and we do the dishes later.

(the water is orange because they have bath colors in. Not because we bathe our children in rusty water)

Paisley is too cool for baths anymore. Only a shower for her now-a-days.
If it's not a bath night, you can assume that we are doing one of the following, after we clean up dinner:
Having a living room dance party
Playing Outside
Doing a monkey pile on Daddy
7:00: We get the kids in pajamas, and pick out clothes for the next day. Sometimes we Craig puts away laundry at this time too. Probably my least favorite job, ever. And let me just say, we have a lot of laundry. A lot.

7:15: We read with the kids
7:35: We tuck the boys in, and then the girls. We do it the same way every night. We give lots of hugs and kisses, say our prayers, say I love you, tell them good night, and not to get up out of bed.
7:40: Everleigh gets out of bed and says she has to poop.
7:41: Madden gets out of bed and says he has to pee.
7:42: Paisley hollers that she needs her inhaler.
7:43: Madden yells that he is thirsty.
7:45: I lose my patience and tell them that I will shut their door if they don't be quiet.
7:55: Everleigh finally finishes doing her deed. We tuck her in again.
8:00: I go through Paisley's backpack and read notes from the teacher. I make her lunch (some days she takes hot lunch, and some days cold lunch). I pack her snack for the day as well, and get everything ready for the morning.
Some days both Craig and I pick up the house. Some days, we don't.

9:00: I grab my phone and take selfies :) (well, today I did) and plop on the couch. I check facebook and instagram. And the news, sometimes. Sometimes I have a DVR-ed show that I fast forward through.
10:00: I get ready for bed. When Craig works the next day--he's already sleeping.
10:30: I get mad at myself because I'm still looking at meaningless stuff on my phone while I can hardly keep my eyes open while laying in bed. And then, I go to sleep.
Then, I get up and do it alllll over again. :)
It's really nice on the days that Craig is home because I don't have to run after work for an hour picking kids up, and we have more time to actually play together as a family it the evening. But then again, once a week Paisley has dance, and we often have another evening commitment that throws a wrench in our 'hanging at home' family time.
Anyway....this was a day in my life. Pretty exciting stuff, huh?!
Mama Bergie



1 comment:

{Emily} said...

Love this! It's nice to see that our days are pretty similar, right down to staying up too late looking at dumb stuff on the interwebs!