Sunday, February 8, 2015


Happy February. I feel like spring is getting a titch closer. I can feel the sun--well, I can't actually feel it...but knowing that in like a month, temps might start rising a little bit, maybe, hopefully, makes me happy.
Until then, we'll continue to find stuff to do in the house without driving each other crazy. Some days we succeed and others we don't.
This week, we signed the boys up for Kindergarten and we signed Everleigh up for 4K. That is legit crazy talk. How did we get here so fast?
Evers still absolutely loves playing with babies. And now, she also absolutely loves tying her shirt up with a rubber band so that her belly shows. I'm not sure what this is all about, but I hope it stops before she's 14 4. Case in point in the photo below. Look'll see two cute sisters, babies and a belly. 
 Last week the family attended 'science night' at the boys' 4K program. We did science experiments and had some pizza. Everleigh made herself at home in the baby area that was actually closed off, which is why she's MIA from photos. :)
 One thing I cherish and love about my children is their sense of imagination. We had a ton of errands to run Saturday, and they were troopers, getting in and out of the van a zillion times with me. They started plotting this trip they were going to go on to a water park while we were driving around. As soon as we got home, they hopped in their suits and acted out the whole trip. Ev looked too cute not to get a picture. Swimming suit, shorts, backpack, necklace, socks. She looks ready to me.

This week was big for Miss P. Not only did she lose another tooth (this is her 5th tooth in like 2 months), but she started allergy shots. She did super well. Tears, but brave tears. :) She didn't react to them, and so far so good. Obviously we haven't seen any relief yet, but at least the process has started. We will go once a week for the next 7 months.
February means that Valentines Day and two special birthdays are near. We spent way too long making and filling out Valentine cards today. Paisley decided to do homemade ones this year, which is great. However, difficult when she needs help, and the boys do too. We had a huge mess and a lot of fun.
After card making, we walked to a local hill to burn energy.


As I think about my weekends home with the kids, I can definitely say that life is getting easier. Every other weekend, Craig works...the entire weekend. When the kids were 1, 2, 2 and 4...those weekends were SO long. But now, I love every second, and they fly by! Time is going too fast. It's getting so much more fun, and so much less work. I mean, it's still plenty of work for sure...but as each year passes, they get more independent and I get to enjoy more of them. The boys turn five this week. I'm having a heart-attack about it. Five seems old. My little twin boys are still babies, right? Sigh. I had the opportunity to write for a magazine to share about our family, particularly about the challenges, happiness and rapid pace of life. If you're interested, it's on page 34, here.

Have a great week. Next week, I'll do my best to share birthday pics on Sunday. :)

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