First, MADDEN...
Hudson is known for: Loving his nuk, eating a lot- but slowly, reading books, being cautious, throwing things in the garbage.
And PAISLEY... (eating edemame)
Paisley is known for: Make believe play, dancing, stealing toys from her brothers, admiring Kyah and Cams, writing, being animated, saying "watch me" every 5 seconds.
The twins are getting really good at shooting hoops! Even though Amy was very smart and bought us 4 balls, they still often fight over the one their brother is holding! They get so excited when the other one makes a basket and clap and cheer for each other. So cute.
Anytime anyone goes anywhere, Paisley insists that you "Beep and wave" and she gets really upset if one should forget to do this (I've learned the hard way). So each day when I leave her at day care, I see her and her friend Kate peering over the couch waving at me. It's really cute. Craig was out snow blowing, again (UGH)...and the kids, all of them, were watching him.
We also have to give a big shout out to Grandma Bonnie (and Cal and Mike) who babysat the kids so that Craig and I could go see Amos Lee in the cities! I had gotten Craig the tickets for Christmas, so Merry Christmas in March, babe! We went out to eat in the cities and then enjoyed the concert. He was great!!! However, it's likely I won't attend another concert while pregnant-- unless I'm on a couch and it's before 8:00pm!
As you know, Paisley had been working on her sticker chart-- mostly for getting dressed and doing her hair without having a screaming match. She made it 10 days (only 1 time did she not get a sticker) she and I celebrated by seeing Tangled at the theatre together!
Baby Update: 29 Weeks
This week I had an appointment with the maternity nurse counselor. We determined birth plan stuff-- like, only breast milk for baby...yes I want her on my chest as soon as she is born....yes please give me an epidural, blah blah. It makes it so real that she is almost here. I am SO excited to meet her, see her little face, and what type of personality she will have!
At the appointment, we heard her heartbeat loud and clear, it was 140, as it has been almost the whole time. I measured at 30 weeks, 2 weeks ahead-- but she thought it was because my bladder was full and pushing her to the right. Either way, I'm really not concerned. You have to understand I am used to measuring like 10 weeks ahead!! :) I was also tested for gestational diabetes....and am in the clear! I was dreading the iron test, because I have been anemic with the other pregnancies...but this time...I don't have to take iron pills!! Bad news, my "normal" number was the lowest they allow. So I have to beef up, literally...which is hard to do. Not a huge fan of red meat, and they will test again at 36 weeks. I plan to eat lots of iron rich foods, green avoid the pills! This past week I also felt much better, but the nurse did give me a few suggestions for the nausea and dizziness.
And, guess what-- I am actually feeling more prepared!! We only had a few things to purchase for baby number 4, and.....
Blanky, check.
Crib, check.
Crib sheets, check.
Nuks, check.
Now...the only thing we need to buy is clothes and diapers!
When the crib arrived this week, the kids were a huge help (ha ha) putting it together. Note: styrofoam sticks really well to kids in fleece jammies!!!
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