Say hi to the craziest little twins around...
...and to the best 3 year old dancer!
In about 1 1/2 weeks, Paisley will begin her very first dance class. It's all she talks about! This weekend she got a new leotard for dance--and you should have seen her face when she tried it on. Complete joy! Now I just hope that she cooperates and actually participates in the classes!
Crazy Miss P...
Not too much to report on this week. I know....Brook, at a loss for words, very unlike me. We were able to get outside a bit more for walks, and this weekend we went to visit some friends and family in MN.
Baby Update: 28 Weeks
Haven't been feeling the best. Getting dizzy and nauseous a lot. In fact, that is why this blog post is so totally boring and short. It's hard for me to sit and type. I do have an appointment this week, so I will be tested for diabetes and anemia. I have been anemic with the other pregnancies, so my guess is that I will be this time too.
Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant. The kicks, the preparation and excitement of meeting the baby, and especially this time around...the pure miracle. However, I have NO energy. None. I have no patients. None. I am really tired, and have not been feeling well for about a month now. And the pain in my leg continues to get worse as the pregnancy moves on. I'm ready to have the old me back...and I'm sure my family is too!
~Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden, Baby and Oscar
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