This week was pretty typical for us---work, daycare, play, sleep.
Sunday night Craig brought his old toys back from his parents house. He and Paisley played with Heman and Skeletor, I guess they had a sleepover together!
The twins are keeping us on our toes like usual! Sometimes, they play together so well--and other times, Madden won't let Hudson hold a single toy, and then Hudson whines and cries! Doesn't try to get it back, just whines!
an old (luckily) phone in the toilet
a play phone in the garbage
my hair brush in the garbage
my shoe in the bathtub
Hudson's nuk in the toilet
I swear they have an internal alarm for the dishwasher, as the second we open it, they come running! They LOVE digging in everything they can--Hudson has discovered the toilet and Madden has discovered the toilet paper! Good times! They have both been really interested in reading books, and we cheer if we actually make it through an entire book without one of them screaming for attention during it! And most of all, we have been enjoying their laughs, dance moves and everyday accomplishments!
Well, this coming week I say goodbye to my second trimester and hello to my third. I can't believe it. In 3 months this little bugger will be here!! She weighs about 2 pounds now and is about 14 inches long. She is able to open and close her eyes and is sleeping and waking at regular intervals.
I have to say, life is getting harder. After the pregnancy with the twins, I can't complain...but it's getting harder to get up and down off the floor quickly-- and with three kids jumping on me at all times, it's getting to be a bit much! While I was sick last week I had terrible back pain (likely from dehydration) and I've been feeling more cramps down low too. And....I'm tired. Period. I know, I know....stop complaining....I will be tired for a long time!!
I still feel behind-- I need to buy a crib and get her "spot" set up!! With all 3 kids, I am pretty sure I was like totally ready by now! However, we are getting really close to a name! We haven't talked much about it...because I think we just both know what it will be. A middle name might be a bit harder. I have a favorite, and Craig isn't sure of it.
Hope you have a great week. It's suppose to be a little nicer here...I sure hope so!
~Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden, Baby and Oscie Miller
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