Happy Mother's Day!
Today was a great day. Lunch with my mom, grandma, aunt, uncle, cousins and the kids (craig worked)...a nap with Craig and Paisley....and dinner at the Lokken's with more grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins! We ended the night with a walk around the block and sweet bedtime kisses.
Being a mom is like no other love. And even though some days my patients is running really thin...I wouldn't give it up for anything. My kids are my life--and I am so thankful they picked me!
Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture with my mom this year. Hudson was really crabby, and wanted his mema. So Hudson took over for me, and snuggled with Grandma.
I am very thankful that my kids see what I see in Grandma Brenda...she is one heck of a grandma...and most of all, one heck of a mom! Thank you for all you do, mom! I love you!
I am also very thankful to have wonderful in-laws! Happy Mother's Day Grandma Bonnie, Auntie Melissa and Great Grandma Marian!
The first half of the week we played outside every chance we got. Here Paisley is playing with her friend/neighbor Julieanne.
Craig blowing bubbles for the kids...
And when we weren't outside...Paisley was either writing letters, or....sitting in the massage chair!
And the boys just begged to go back outside....
So.....BABY UPDATE: 35 weeks
Well...this is it. Wrapping it up for the night. Enjoy your week!
Today was a great day. Lunch with my mom, grandma, aunt, uncle, cousins and the kids (craig worked)...a nap with Craig and Paisley....and dinner at the Lokken's with more grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins! We ended the night with a walk around the block and sweet bedtime kisses.
Being a mom is like no other love. And even though some days my patients is running really thin...I wouldn't give it up for anything. My kids are my life--and I am so thankful they picked me!
I am very thankful that my kids see what I see in Grandma Brenda...she is one heck of a grandma...and most of all, one heck of a mom! Thank you for all you do, mom! I love you!
The blog isn't too exciting this week. I feel like the further in the pregnancy I go...the less I feel like blogging. We have TONS to do this week!! For one...my thesis, is pretty much done. I have some references to do---so last week I plugged in my flash drive...ERROR. GONE. NOTHING. My entire thesis.....gone. Are you crying for me? You should be!! I luckily have a hard copy of 38 pages of it...because it looks like there is no way of getting it off the flash drive. UGH. This is the last thing I need.
Second, this week is the Melissa/Brook annual thrift sale. A million items to price, no time to do it!
And most of all...I am SO tired. I cannot wait to crawl into bed at night. I fall asleep and then.....
UP. I hate this stage...I'm not sure if it's the "let's prepare mom for feeding a baby at night" stage or what-- but it's just not fun! So I basically walk around feeling zombie like.....thanking my wonderful husband for doing laundry and emptying the dishwasher because I have totally been slacking!
UP. I hate this stage...I'm not sure if it's the "let's prepare mom for feeding a baby at night" stage or what-- but it's just not fun! So I basically walk around feeling zombie like.....thanking my wonderful husband for doing laundry and emptying the dishwasher because I have totally been slacking!
So.....BABY UPDATE: 35 weeks
I saw my OB this past week--and all is well. I mentioned my contractions and cramping and she offered to "check" me, I passed. Maybe in a few weeks...but I'm sure (and she confirmed) that I am just doing a lot...and with baby hanging lower and lower as this is #4...I'm bound to feel lots of stuff going on. So now I just wait for the nesting stage to kick in...and I hope it's soon!! I need to clean and organize the girls room and wash bottles and stuff. Would we survive if she came today? Yes. But the house is definitely not in the order I want it to be in!
Well...this is it. Wrapping it up for the night. Enjoy your week!
Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden, Oscar and Baby
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