This past week the kids enjoyed playing with Easter toys, getting outside a tiny bit and just playing together.
The twins are 14 1/2 months old. Time goes so fast with them it's not even funny. Madden has now turned his habit of biting into kissing! Which we are so grateful for. I just hope it stays that way! He still bully's everyone around, but is actually a pretty good listener. Hudson is teething, getting two molars and one on the bottom front and has been a complete mama's boy because of it. He is a stinker and is not a good listener...he runs away the second you ask him to do something or come to you. But overall, it's fun to watch them grow into little people--and especially fun to watch them laugh with each other and play together!
Craig hauled up a playset/slide that we have had in the basement since we moved in. It was our intention to have the kids play downstairs on it...but number one, the twins haven't really been big enough for it...and number two, the basement isn't quite kid-proof yet. But with warmer weather somewhere in our near future, it's now outside, ready for action. We also tried eating an entire meal outside (not just a snack). Hudson stayed seated until every last bite was gone. Madden was told about 500 times to sit down...and I'm pretty sure he and Oscar shared a meal that day.
Mr. Madden, funny-guy has been seen wearing mamas shoes around lately! The child will not, for anything, keep his own socks and shoes on....maybe he just really wants some dress shoes?!
And our lovely Miss P. As I write this blog post, I just finished up reading bedtime stories to Paisley. Tonight, one of the books we read was "The Kissing Hand"-- if you know the book at'll understand...but as I finished up, I started tearing up. Just thinking that my teeny tiny baby is now a big girl, a polite, well-mannered little girl. One who loves to be in charge and boss people around. One who can write and draw like nobodies business. I can't believe that soon...really soon...she will be heading to school just like the raccoon in the kissing hand. And when we were finished reading the book, she looked at me and said, "I'm happy to have a kissing hand, but now I am sad. Can we read a happy book?" -- "Yes, P, we can!"
Paisley loved posing with "the baby". She was too scared to try to say Gibson, so for 10 hours she would say to Tiffany, "Why is your baby crying? Why are you feeding your baby?"
Baby Update: 34 weeks
The baby is about 4 pounds and 18 inches now! She has been extremely active, and I can sometimes tell exactly what body part is poking out. She has also made me really sick (still throwing up, dizzy and now headaches) and super tired. Well, I guess I can blame the tiredness on more than just her...but I am dead at the end of the day! I actually have been having some contractions and bad cramping too. Nothing serious, I'm sure....probably a sign I am doing too much...but it's really uncomfortable....and it's hard for me to sit down and relax with work, 3 young children, a house, cooking, blah blah blah. I do have a doctors appointment this week....and then...I start going every week!!! CRAZY!
Special prayers for Grandma Marian as she (hopefully) undergoes her very last Chemo treatment (we said this once before and she ended up needing more) this week. She's been really weak lately...and definitely not herself. Just two days before I am due, she will be turning 92 years old...and I can't wait for her to meet her newest great granddaughter!
Wishing for spring-
The mom of: Paisley, Hudson, Madden, Oscar and Baby
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