Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Bergs meet Dora & Boots

We had been counting down, and the day finally arrived! We went to see Dora's Pirate Adventure! We dropped Everleigh off with G&G Berg, and took the three older kiddos to the play! I was little nervous about how H&M would do. And....Madden loved it. He sat on Craig's lap and watched, sang, clapped...and got the saddest face and cried when it was over. Hudson on the other hand....took one look at the characters, screamed, and buried his face in my chest. About 40 minutes (and a wet, snotty shirt) later, he turned around because there was a ....drum roll...ROCK on the stage. Yep. A cardboard cutout rock. He somewhat tolerated/enjoyed the last 10 minutes....but did not like that we stood in line to meet the characters after. He and Madden just bowed out and Paisley got some Dora lovin.

Paisley loved it! She said that Boots was her favorite, and she couldn't believe it was a girl inside the costume! :)

Paisley also hung at friend Ella's house and did some major jumping!

Everleigh LOVES taking a bath. She's been really crabby lately. Like yelling and crying all of the time. Except...when she's taking a bath!

A lot of times when I sit down to write the blog, what I write depends on my mood. How my day went, what's going on with work, how messy the house is, etc. Today, I'm just going to be honest. I'm just lucky I made it through the last few days to write a blog. Whew! No, nothing serious. Just seriously challenging children!! And that maybe deserves a few more exclamation points!

Craig and I always say, nobody will ever understand what this is like. It's the same reason I hear, "how do you do it" every day. It's because people can imagine what it might be like. Well, multiply that by two. Ahh, no...three!  People think that Kate Gosslin is bitchy...heh....I get it! I try so very hard to be the best mom I can at all times. This weekend, I failed. I yelled. I yelled some more. I even told the kids after the 100th time I heard MOM, that their mom wasn't here. Paisley got it. She said, OH, you just want to be Brook. Yes. Yes. I. Do.

Don't get me wrong, love these stinkers to the moon and back five million times. And I wouldn't ever change it. But we all have our days...and because I have four children.... I get four days. And this is what a bit of those days looked like.....

....and for these very reasons, I am drop dead tired. I'm emotionally drained. I'm mom-drained. And I'm really hoping that tomorrow when I wake up, my children will think. Hmm, let's take it easy on Mom and Dad today! Here's hoping.....

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