Sunday, September 16, 2012

First day of 4K!

Sunday Funday is here again. And this week...we introduce you to...our new PRESCHOOLER!!

Miss Paisley Rian started 4 year old Kindergarten on Monday! The first day, she was beyond excited! We took the traditional first day of school pictures, and we were off! 

If you can't see...when Paisley grows up she wants to be a "blue flag girl" (the girls that twirl the flags in a marching band). We have higher hopes for miss P, but whatever makes her happy! :)

Every time I would say something like, "can you believe you are starting school today?!?!" She would get the giggles and couldn't stop. I think she was so excited, nervous, tired and just plain ol happy!

We dropped of school supplies, put extra stuff in her very own locker, and she quietly looked around her classroom.

We talked to her teacher, Miss Heather for a bit, and then she found a spot at the writing center.

I just kind of stood there, watching her color. She wasn't saying much, and I was just watching. Then all of the sudden she said, "Bye, Mom!". I guess that was my cue to go. So we gave each other the biggest bear hug possible, and I held back my tears. I was so proud of my little lady.
And so, I left. I didn't even cry. I got in the car and called Craig. And then, I cried.
Craig picked Paisley up and they called to tell me that her day was "AWESOME!!". On her first day, Paisley's job was the 'weather girl', they made an art project, played outside, and went in the library!
Days two, three, four and five also went really well. She's shy and really quiet when we first get there, but the teachers say she's happy and good all day. Miss Heather said Paisley was even the winner for the biggest family. Shocker.
This weekend, the kiddos spent a little time in Grandma's garden. They love picking the tomatoes!  

Chillin on the couch...iphone and books in hand.

I wish I could explain from this side of the computer what it's like to have twins. And currently, twin two year old boys. Let me just say that one time last week, they dumped out bottles of glue onto the carpet, squirted a tube of toothpaste out and put shaving cream all over the bathroom. This was followed by a series of events that I won't explain relive. The point is....they are so. much. work. BUT...there is a big BUT....they are also so much fun, and the twins are absolutely BEST FRIENDS. Yes, once and a while they fight...but honestly, it's usually caused by someone whose name begins with a P. No naming names. They do everything together. It's the most amazing thing to watch (when we aren't cleaning up glue from the carpet or cleaning up tubes of toothpaste)
I truly love having twins. And I love them. And I will love when they stop making us clean up horrendous messes every day.

This week it's suppose to cool way down. I'm kinda ready. Kinda not. So until then...outside is where we'll be!

Baby E and her little babe, heading out for a drive...

I know I haven't spoken much of Elmo Bell lately. Don't you worry your pretty head. He's still around. Well...we haven't watched the movie in forever....but he's living on in our hearts minute by minute. Whenever we take the kids to see my uncle Larry, they ask him to "say" ELMO BELL on his dynavox (a machine that speaks what he types)...and they laugh and laugh. And then so do we. :)

Madden loves sidewalk chalk. And every time, guess what he makes us draw....

Also...I know often times I end my posts by thanking you for reading. When I started this blog, it was, and still is, meant to just tell the story of us, so friends and family could keep up.
But each month, about 2,000 of you stop by to see what we are up to. Thank you!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

You have such a beautiful family & you are such an amazing mom! I love reading your blogs & hearing/seeing all of your fun activities! Is P going to 4K @ North? You are truly an inspiration & Superwoman! You deserve mother of the year award! Thank you for sharing every week! This will be such an amazing thing for the kids to go back through & read when they are older! Hope the Berg's have a great week! :)