Sunday, September 30, 2012


It's like we have the male version of the double mint twins in our house...or maybe monkey see, monkey do is a better description?


and jumping....

and tumbling...

While the older kids were running all over, Baby E was doing a little outdoor cooking.

This week was all about football! We played football in the yard, we watched football on tv, and we attended a high school football game (a first for the kids).

From the moment Craig and I found out we were having twin boys, he has talked about playing football in the yard with them. Waiting and anticipating until they were old enough to learn and play and bond over sports.

I'm sure someday, his dreams will come true. This year, he got...

His oldest daughter laughing and playing, until she got tackled. Then lots of tears. Lots and lots of tears.


His youngest even in on the action. Who doesn't love getting tackled by a sweet little one year old?!
And his best friend waiting for a pass with his classic orange football.

and the eldest twin completely and utterly in love with running and throwing and tackling and everything there is to love about football in the fall.

and then....... this. Madden....hiding in the fort, playing the Leap Pad. This child is for sure a gamer.

Friday night football, fun!! The boys were more interested in the band, and Paisley was more interested in snacks and the dance team, but we all had fun!

I think Everleigh thinks she's two. I don't like it one bit.
Although, if she can potty train right along with the boys, I'm okay with that. :)
One last picture...Madden so cute, visiting Uncle Larry.

This week, we're looking forward to the star of the week, another field trip, daddy's birthday and picking out pumpkins!
Have a great week!

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