Sunday, October 14, 2012


Hey howdy hey people. Guess what? I feel like me again! It's been a long week, but B-Rook is baaaaaack. A lot happens in two weeks around here. So, this week, we'll stick with mostly pictures.
Ready? Set. GO.

I had an out of town training...and it just happened to land on Craig's birthday and Paisley's field trip to the pumpkin patch. Stupid. I hate missing out on special days! At least Craig got to go with Paisley, and then his parents treated everyone to pizza (his fav).


Since the kids have been back at Londa's, and Haley has been at school...we've been missing her lots, and I think she's been missing us too! Haley, Lisa and Tito the turtle came for a visit!
There's nothing like watching a turtle do....uh...nothing.

We have been beyond blessed with our babysitters. Haley is no exception!


By the time I get the kids ready, the dog fed and let out, myself somewhat ready, drop the little ones at day care, and the big one at school and finally get myself to work...I feel like I've already worked half the day! I try to implement as much of a morning routine as possible, because when just one little tiny thing doesn't go well...morning meltdowns equal a sucky morning for everyone! I've learned through experience huge messes , that we have to brush teeth all together, with the toothpaste in my control at all times!
Everleigh loves hats. She is always wearing Craig's cute...

It's definitely fall now...but we did enjoy lots of outside time over the last two weeks. And we will continue to, until it becomes miserable for me of course.




Love this. Here she goes.....

...and...where is she?!

We also did some Halloween projects...

And we also.... got the flu. All 6 of us. I'll spare you those pictures--but if you've ever cleaned up puke rolling around in a nylon bed tent, while throwing up yourself, then you can imagine what things looked like around here. All I can say is thank you to our parents for helping, and thank you that it's over!!
We celebrated Craig's birthday, our 8th wedding anniversary, Paisley had play dates and a sleepover, and overall...we've just been trying to get back into the normal routine after being sick!
But-- the biggest change around here-- big boy beds!! The twins have been getting in and out of their cribs for a good 6 months now. We finally got around to getting them beds! It's just one more milestone in the cold hard truth that my babies aren't babies anymore. We still have a few things to get and to hang to make the transition complete...but bub-bye cribs, hello big boy beds!

We tucked the boys in at about 7:45....

...and waited...and waited. I knew they would get out. I mean, come on. It's H & M Berg we're talking about! But sure enough....I can admit when I'm wrong. They are both sound asleep...and still snug as a bug in a rug. They didn't move. (tonight, anyway). Love those little big guys so much!


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