Sunday, October 21, 2012

Proud mama

Last week, I left you with pictures of the twins and their new beds. I was so proud that they hadn't gotten out of bed, and even admitted that I was wrong. I finished typing the blog, prepped for my Monday classes and headed up to bed around 11:15. I checked on the children, saw Madden sound asleep...and saw Hudson, sound asleep too....

So cute. I lifted him back into bed, and that's been the only (again, knock on wood) bedtime incident that we've had! Nap time has been a little more difficult, and they've missed one nap, but over all, it's gone really well!

With the weather cooling off, we've been using the basement play area more and more!

Saturday, the kids went to Grandma's so mommy could get together with friends, and so daddy could sleep. They loved every second. We took a few pics before heading out...

Today-- GORGEOUS outside! Not many of these days left...we played outside... a lot!


This week Craig and I hit a milestone-- our first parent teacher conference! We met with Paisley's teachers to hear how she's been doing in 4K, and to set goals for the school year. So, what did they have to say? They said that they wished they could clone Paisley. They said she is respectful, a good friend and listens well. I was am so proud. Whenever I think about the type of adults I want my children to grow in to, I want them to be respectful, friendly and happy. We are so proud. Paisley's teachers were impressed with her writing skills, and how well she listens. We set some goals-- learning to write lower case letters, pre reading, numbers, and making more friends. I just can't even put into words how happy it makes me to be Paisley's mom. My heart is happy, and I know Craig would say the same.
And just to brag for a I type this blog...Paisley said to me..."mom, I wrote you a message." I was like, "oh, really."-- expecting to see a whole bunch of letters that don't really mean anything....and at first glance, that's what it is. Go on, take a look.

And then she said, "It says, Be patient, mom."  (now, scroll back up and look)--- yup. It does. It totally says be patient. Watching her learn and grow is so rewarding! And for real...she is 4. And without saying a word to me, she (pretty close to) phonetically spelled 'be patient'. SO FUN! :)

Proud mama,

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