Sunday, November 25, 2012

What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?
Paisley: "Everybody I know"
Hudson: "Drums and Drumsticks"
Madden: "Elmo Bell Movie"
Everleigh: "Madden"
Thanksgiving was spent at my moms. As always, the food was delicious and the company was even better.

Luckily, the weather was so nice! The kids played outside a lot of the day! That evening, it snowed!

Everleigh and cousin Jaclyn on the tire swing...

But Ever wasn't a very good swinging partner, so Jaclyn traded up.


Mike got home just in time for Thanksgiving! 3 months is too long...
I know it sounds cliche, but I really do have so much to be thankful for. Our family and friends are amazing. We are healthy, and have a home to call our own.

When we arrived home Thursday evening from Thanksgiving dinner, Santa had left us a gift at our front step! He sent us an 'Elf on the Shelf' to watch over P, H, M & E's behavior, and report back to Santa each night. Each morning when he returns to our home, he lands in a different spot.

We all recommended names for our elf (Louie, Sam, E, A, and Luke)...but the winner was.... OLIVER. So...please welcome Oliver to our family!
Each year, Thanksgiving night, Oliver will be waiting for us! What a fun family tradition!
So far...Oliver has had some good behavior to report...and some bad behavior to report to Santa. But what really matters to the kiddos is where they will find Oliver in the morning...and what he has been doing. The first three mornings, we found him like this....

Wonder where he'll be tonight?!
For the last several days, Hudson has worn the Cinderella dress up outfit. Some days, he's even had two dresses on at once. And check Paisley out...she has one of the boys vests on with a dress up bow in?! I'm thankful I am raising my children to be expressive. (It doesn't matter that I laugh behind their back, right?!)

And as always...the weekend after Thanksgiving means decorating for Christmas!! First up-- picking out the perfect tree (that never looks quite as perfect once we get it home).

Decorating. Ah, decorating. Over the years, I've given up some of the control regarding decorating. But my Lord..the kids cried, and fought, and dropped a million (shatterproof) bulbs. It was exhausting! Memories. Yes, memories is what it's all about.


When we told Evers to stop taking off the ornaments...she did this instead.

 It was time to gather the kiddos to get their picture by the almost completed tree....

OH. You noticed that we were missing one??!! Yah. Here she he is. Refusing to cooperate. As usual.

I continued to take pictures, hoping Hudson would join us. Nope. This is what I got. Pretty sweet, huh?!

Everleigh is down to one nap a day now. I was ready. It was so hard to do anything with meal times and nap times. But I'm not so sure baby E was all that ready. Craaaaabbbster.

The crabbiness continued when I drug my children with no coats on, late November to get a beautiful picture of all four. What was I thinking? Stupid, mommy. Stupid.

But...happiness ensued when we sat down to make a Gingerbread Train that Grandma Bonnie gave us!



We're sending extra hugs to Daddy-O he has strep throat. Get Well soon!

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