Sunday, November 18, 2012

4 the love of kids...

After I get the children tucked in at night, I sit down (at the computer) and think, 'Whew. Finally. They're in bed.' And every time I think that, my mind immediately goes back to 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. Craig worked afternoons and I was alone each evening after work. Every single night as I watched tv I thought, 'I should be bathing my baby and then rocking him/her to sleep right now.' I am beyond thankful that my dreams came true. I will force myself to never lose the painful memories of how badly I wanted to become a mom. And promise to always be grateful for the Fab Four.

This week Paisley started dance again. I had to work late, so Grandma Brenda took her!

We also did a little baking. So yeah...I don't bake. I do like banana bread and uh...boxed brownies. That's about it. Cooking, I love. Baking, not so much. So dipping pretzels in chocolate is as good as it gets for us. Sorry kids. :)

I love this picture. Can you tell I said, "say cheeeese" ??
The weather was mild enough to get outside several times. Yesssssss.

I know I have two of almost the same pictures, but I love them both. Even though the lighting is different in the bottom one, I like it. Now, if only I knew how to edit photos...

Madden has the best "close your eyes" face, ever. He looks like this at nap time too when I go in his room for the 44th time to tell him to go to sleep (to which, 9 times out of 10, he doesn't).


We made our own play-doh, painted, colored and played lots of fun games this week....

We are looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving this week and getting ready to begin decorating for Christmas!
Have a great week!
~Mama B and the bunch

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