Sunday, November 11, 2012

Shakin It

This snowed! Personally, I hate snow. But what I do love is watching the excitement and awe that comes from the children. The first snow fall of the year is always the best!

Brief Bergie 4 Update:
Paisley-- Miss P loves writing. That's like all she does now. Draw, write, color. She also does a lot of bossing. She's been getting really mad at her brothers for doing...well....anything. My guess...this is only the beginning. Ugh. She still loves dancing, dressing up and playing games. Right now, Paisley goes to school (4K) from 8:30-11:30 M-F, then either goes to daycare, or comes home. She usually doesn't nap anymore, and typically sleeps from 7:30pm-7:00am.
Three words to describe Paisley right now: Creative, Bossy, Caring.
Hudson-- Hudders loves his stuff. What stuff, you might ask? We call it his entourage. He has to have the following with him at all times: his blanky, the blanket we got at the hospital, munchichi, munchichi's blanket, munchichi's bottle, baby hudson, baby hudson's blanky, a truck, a stuffed animal, his sock monkey.....I think that's it. I think. Hudson likes Thomas, trains, airplanes, playing sports, and doing dramatic play. He sleeps from 7:30pm-7:00am, or whenever Madden wakes him up. He is NOT happy when he gets up. He also naps (most days) for about 1-2 hours.
Three words to describe Hudson right now: Loud, Silly, Stubborn
Madden-- Mad Mike is really into legos, puzzles, video games and movies. He's still obsessed with carrying DVD's around...but is also now into babies...pushing them in the stroller and going on a walk to Elmo Bell's house. He also loves playing with play-doh and other sensory things. Madden sleeps from 7:30pm- 6:30/7:00am. He's always the first one up, and always the happiest upon waking. He's also making it really difficult for H&M to nap...he's out of his bed all. of. the. time.
Three words to describe Madden right now: Free-Spirit, Goofy, Kind.
Everleigh-- Ever. She is quite the number four. She is talking SO much. Last week, she sang us the ABC's through the letter "P", alone.  She's 16 months. Everleigh is obsessed with babies...we feed them and rock them and love them up! She does really well playing on her own and follows the big kids everywhere. She also will not let us forget about her. I hear "MOM!" about 76,435 times an hour. Evers sleeps from 7:30pm-7:00am and takes two naps a day.
Three words to describe Everleigh right now: Sweet, Sassy, Happy. 
Some random pics from the week.......

Sleeping beauties. Totally zonked.
Ready for school in her "no pictures please" I had to take a picture. ?! :)
For the first time in 8 years, Craig's going hunting. As he was getting his stuff ready, Miss P was helping!

And, we now have lockers in our garage. Yup. Craig was able to get some lockers from his old job site...the kids love them. I might need to add a little paint, but I can already see how nice these will be when stinky sports equipment needs a home!

Saturday we all celebrated our friends, Stuart and Jill's marriage. Paisley, Makyah, Hudson and Everleigh had a blast dancing!! Madden was too tired, and Cams was at a sleepover. Today, the boys kept saying, "MOM, band loud. Can't hear mommy, daddy, Kyah talk." I'm pretty sure I could listen to music and watch people dance all night!!
You may have noticed in my 365, that Craig has some facial hair. He's prepping for his mustache for Movember. I just can't wait to see what he looks like with a stache. Handsome, I'm sure. (insert sarcasm here). But until Craig's is in full effect... Seth and Pais and Ky have it down perfectly!
Sometimes I forget how blessed we are with twins. Until...I see moments like this captured on my camera. I love that they are beyond best friends. I would die to know what that bond must be like. I sure hope they are always this close.

Dancing!!! This first one kills me. Check out Everleigh's little booty...shakin it.

Today, we celebrated our special God daughter's 3rd Birthday! Happy Birthday (on Tuesday), Payton!! We love you!!

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