Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween 2012

With much anticipation...Halloween was finally here! The day was full of lots of events, fun, and you guessed it....c.a.n.d.y. (which can leave my house any day now. Like, not through my mouth though.)

The day started with the whole family, including Grandma Brenda, visiting Paisley at her school parade. Sure enough...there was another Strawberry Shortcake in her class. (She's the one with black shoes)

Baby sister was excited to see Miss P!

I know Halloween is for the kids. I get it. But why, why do children always pick the one thing/costume/item, whatever, that you don't want them to be/have? It's just like that on picture day too. They want to wear the ugliest thing in the closet. Whatever. I try my best to give up some control...because it is about them. I'm not saying it's easy...but I try.
So Halloween 2012 we had our beautiful Strawberry Shortcake. Complete with freckles and lipstick too.
Our very handsome Thomas the Train.
So... I refused to buy a $20 drape that hung on Hudson and looked like a cheap (and sorry....ugly) Thomas. With my creative and crafty husband, he saw my vision and constructed a train! I was sure that the one child whose costume took hours and hours to make wouldn't even wear it. But was I ever wrong! He proudly wore that costume and walked the entire time. He was such a trooper! My cousin also dropped off his old Thomas costume, which he wore underneath to make it complete! The only problem. He's already insisting on being this again next year. That--I won't let happen! :)

I know what you're thinking. Up next.....Elmo!! Nope. We do have an Elmo costume, now in the dress up bin. However, Mad Mike all of the sudden insisted on being a cow. I have no idea where this came from. Especially because out of all of the children, he's the most scared of animals! There was no changing his mind. He was going to be a cow. And a cute one at that. Madden pretty much rode in the wagon as much as he could and did as little work as possible to get candy. :) He had a blast....until some guy scared him (and Hudson) and he cried to "Go home, Grandma Brenda!" ----Meanwhile, I have two screaming children attached to me. Where is Craig?? He's across the street playing football with about 15 middle school kids!

And Little Everleigh Calla made the perfect Strawberry. I like that she's too little to have an opinion. :) Next year...she'll pick her own. I'm sure of it! Baby E did awesome! She rode in the wagon, would get out and say 'trick or treat', get back in the wagon, grab some candy and try to eat it right through the wrapper. :)

It was really hard to get pictures this year. I was a little busy, if you can imagine. Here are a few...


I love everything about Halloween. Costumes. Candy. Pumpkins. And most of all the laughter and excitement from each child. I can't wait to do it again next year!
A few more pictures from the week...
Everleigh coloring

And eating a Ring Pop

I played Candy Land with the big kids Friday night. It was fun interesting. Paisley is quite the rule follower, and when you have H&M in the mix, just the opposite happens. Although, they did really well and we all had a fun time...

...until Everleigh got out of the bath. Then she wanted to play too. You can see how that went.

And even more exciting than crazy Candy Land on a Friday night---- Paisley had her very first sleep over with a non-relative!! I'm not sure they actually got much sleep...but she had a really great time! She did well, no calls in the middle of the night, and no asthma attacks (which have been happening a lot lately!)
Paisley and Lydia being silly...

That's all for tonight. Thanks for checking in!

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