Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bub-Bye Babies, Hello Big Kids

I love babies. It's really too bad that I don't have any anymore. No...that doesn't mean we'll be adding number just means that my babes are growing up. Way. Too. Fast. Sniff Sniff.

This weekend, we took Everleigh's nuk away. My rules are-- bottle gone at 12 mo, nuk at 18 mo. E will be 18 months old in just one week. The first night, she screamed, "mmoooommmyyy!!" for 55 minutes. She broke my heart. Craig kept saying, "I think she's too young for this." I had to remind him that the other three were the exact same's just hard with the baby of the bunch. Saturday night I was not home at bedtime, and Craig said she didn't make a peep. Tonight...she screamed "MAMA! OUT!" for about 20 minutes. It really does seem like she's still our tiny little baby girl...not a toddler!

Speaking of baby girls. Miss P has just 16 days until she is 5. FIVE. Unreal. As many of you know, she has a Birthday Tree, and each year, we pick out an ornament that is significant to that particular year. This year, we chose headphones. She is so into music, and loves wearing headphones around!

Even though some many days are still super chaotic, when I look back, it has gotten easier. I love that the twins are now old enough to begin to play games and actually do art projects. This week, we did a little 'float or sink' and finger painting with pudding.

This week we also took the kids to their very first hockey game!! I looked ahead weeks ago to find a day that would work for all of us (some nights, Craig has to go to bed at 6:30pm) to watch our alma mater play. We got there to find out that it was actually our cross-town rival who was playing. Oh well. The kids loved it...and although Craig will probably never let me live this down (because it's like the first mistake I've made...ever)...we had a ton of fun too!

Both of the boys like hockey and have asked Santa for "blue hockey skates" for Christmas--but since the day we got a hockey shirt from a garage sale, Hudson's been obsessed. He was in awe when he could actually see them play. Although he did ask once or ten times where the band was...and when we left he told me hockey was too loud. :)
Paisley was invited to a birthday party for two of her classmates. Let the fun begin, right?!? So, today, we went to the rollerskating rink for Miss P's first go at skating.
With Magnolia, the birthday girl (and we missed getting a photo with Caden, the birthday boy)

I wasn't sure how Paisley would do. She did...ahem...ok. My ankles, however, have a few bruises from someones skates ramming them. What I do know for that those skates are the same skates I wore when I was 5. Come on. You'd think they might invest in an upgrade in skates in the last 26 years. Good Lord.

We tried rollerblades, which actually went much better. And was time for scooters, games, moon bounce, presents and cake!

Snow!! It's December in WI and we have snow. Again, another reminder that I no longer have a baby. Every year, I get an excuse to "stay inside with the baby". My time is up. I bundled up, threw on the big ol boots and played outside too. The kids seriously loved it, and all did excellent!


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