Monday, December 17, 2012

18 months n stuff

I know. I'm a day late. Believe was a hard decision to skip the blog last night. I have approximately 437 things to do this week, and then last night, got a really bad headache. So the blog lost.
But, waiting one extra day means I can share the girl's stats with you. They each had doctor appointments today. Everleigh is 18 months old today. I don't like it one bit. Paisley is just one week away from turning 5. I don't like that one bit either.
What I do like, is that they are both healthy and happy! Our doctor was impressed by Everleigh's expressive vocabulary. She's saying 5 word sentences, singing songs, and has oh, probably 200 words. She's learning to jump with both feet off of the floor and has already learned how to throw one good tantrum!
Everleigh Calla weighs 22 pounds 11 ounces (26th %) and is 32 inches tall (60th %).

Our doctor was impressed with Paisley's writing and math skills. She's growing right on track and is healthy. We both are still concerned about her asthma-- and he said he can tell she's suffering from allergies too. (in the dead of winter?!?!). We are increasing her preventative inhaler and hoping that's enough. Poor thing wheezes all of the time. Miss P also got her shots for...gulp.... Kindergarten. She screamed. She did worse than Everleigh. Not that I was surprised.
Paisley Rian weighs 40 pounds 2 ounces (56th %) and is 41 3/4 inches tall (39th %) .

We loved us some appointments this week. The twins and Everleigh had their very first trip to the dentist! I was really nervous about one particular child. We prepped him. We read books. We practiced. In the end, I think it helped.
Madden did really well. He sat, got his teeth cleaned and boom, he was done.

Everleigh went along too...why not! The dentist checked her teeth, she loved every second, and boom, she was done.

And then there was Hudson. Good ol' H Bomb. He did a little whining, a little clinging, but overall, did better than I expected. Not great, but good.

Yay for shiny, clean teeth and the stupid trinkets you get after!

We introduced hot cocoa to the kids. Hudson loves it. And he looks so sophisticated too. Cheerio. (said in my very best British accent)
All of the snow means more playing in it!! Craig and the kids made a really cool fort while I was at work. He's a really fun dad! Paisley begged him not to "take it down" when she went to bed. In the morning on the way to school she just couldn't believe that daddy let her keep that fort up! ;)

Craig's been getting out some of his old toys. This week, micromachines and Heman.  I only have two toys from my childhood-- two barbies. And Everleigh ripped the head off my very favorite one. Dang kids.

 Madden and Everleigh don't have the attention span that the other two they move on to something else fun...

Friday night. A very special night for us! Paisley's first Christmas program! I was so excited to dress my little girl up in a Christmas dress and see her on stage. Curl her hair, buy her fancy know...typically girly Christmas stuff. You can imagine my disappointment when the note about the Christmas program came home and it said, "Paisley will be a Kangaroo in this year's program. Please dress her in a brown sweatshirt, brown sweatpants, brown mittens and please bring a stuffed kangaroo." HUH? Really?? Brown everything?! SO boring.
BUT, like the fabulous mother I am, I got over myself, and dressed my beautiful kangaroo for her first program.

The program was really cute. I've been so pleased with her 4K program in general, and the center's Christmas program was perfect. It's so nice to be at a Catholic preschool, where we could actually celebrate the real meaning!
Paisley had many family members in attendance (thank you!) , and the cutest of them all on Grandpa's lap in pigtails.

This weekend we also celebrated our niece, Makyah's 10th Birthday. Her actual Bday is tomorrow...Happy Birthday Kyah Grace! We are so proud of you and love you so much!

I love this picture. Payton is cheeeeesing it up, while Madden looks at her like she's crazy. And this. Just hanging out.

Can you believe Christmas is in a week?? I simply cannot. I have SO much left to do. So much. I really think it would be a good idea to just put a little anxiety medication right in the city water system about this time of year. It could do us all a little good.

Thanks for checking in...and hope you like the new Bergie Bunch look. :)
(and yes, the song is in my head now too!)

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