Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sick (and/of) Snow

The start of this week didn't go so well, as Miss P was coughing up a lung and had a slight fever to accompany. She missed two days of school. :(

But at least when she coughed, she kept it at that. Now Hudson has it, and when he coughs, he pukes. And once, he threw up whole pieces of my hair. It was lovely. Two are on the mend, so now I'm just waiting for M and E to get it...

Playing in our jammies...
(they all look so old here!)

And trying to beat the illness and freezing cold weather with art activities...

Everleigh is really independent. And when I wouldn't let her have scissors, she threw a complete fit. Ripped up her drawing and threw them down. "SCISSORS!" she screamed. She's good at everything! Tantrums included!

...peek a boo...
Hudson has stopped whatever he's doing the minute he sees me hold up my phone or the camera. He does not want to be in any video or photo, so I was shocked when he willingly showed me his "grumpy pirate" face.

H Bomb's love for musical instruments continues. He and Craig even sit and watch concerts on tv together... the pink guitar suits him well. :)

We were super happy when babysitters, Haley and Carly (and Lisa!) came to visit! The kids sure miss them! Carly's away at college and Haley's busy with life as a senior, so we don't get to see them as much in the winter. XOXO
(yes, hudson was home...he just refused to get in the photo)
And after a week of seriously cold temps (-30 with windchill! ) the temps were around 30 and we could finally go out to play in the snow!

That's about it. Not a whole lot is new with the Bergie Bunch. Thanks for checking in!
~Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden, Everleigh & Oscar

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