Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mic Hog

In my opinion...19 month olds are hard. They throw tantrums, are independent, strong-willed...but still babyish. The best part about 19 month olds is how silly and funny they are. I think it's for a reason. If they weren't funny and cute, they would all be put up for adoption. :)

This 19 month old loves to show me new faces for the camera. None of which are smiles, no matter how many weird noises I make.
This week my friend Emily and her daughter Layla came for a visit. Everleigh loved her. She kissed her and hugged her...until she played with her toys...then that was a different story.
So, many of you have probably heard me complain about Craig playing guitar while I cook. NOW, not only can we turn the amp on to play guitar, but we can plug a microphone into it and have the  5 4 kids sing. It's lovely. But for real, it's super cute! Everleigh is a mic hog though! She says, "Stop it, Paisley! No mine!" over and over as they other kiddos beg for a turn.
The best part of the picture of Madden singing below??? No pants on, and undies in the hand. Oh yah. That's how he rolls. What can you say...rock star in the making. With his side kick, S-Berry Short to the Cake.
Friday night we went to our local Sports Center for child-friendly entertainment. They had a blast!
And lucky for Miss P, she ran in to two of her besties from school, Maggie and Mack!
(Remember a previous post when I said Paisley loved "Macky hugs?" --this is Mack. :) )
Saturday morning, I took off for a night away at my friend, Emily's cabin. Who doesn't love one whole day/night in comfy clothes chatting, eating and drinking??!! Love these ladies!!
While I was gone, Craig had the boys---and my mom took the girls. I was SO excited to see everyone when I got home this morning. Home to a house with a broken furnace. Yes, the temp today was 3 degrees. Yes, I typed that right, 3. It's still not completely fixed, but we have some heat...and that I am so thankful for!
On a side note: Some of you may be a little confused, as I've gotten some emails. As you can see...I'm still doing our family blog. Here I will continue to share what we do each week and what the kids are up to. It's still kind of like a 'baby book/journal' for the kiddos. My goal is still to post each Sunday night.
My new blog, Confessions from the Bergie Bunch is much different. It's just me talking about life, as a mom. It's my point of view--in a more unedited version. It's more about me, less about each child. It's NOT a blog I will print off and give to each child with a bow on top. Nope. Definitely not that kind of blog. It's a blog for those days when I am Brook, not mommy. I'll be posting as often as I can or when I have something to say. (which is always). If you have something you'd like to hear about-- topics, or questions you have-- just let me know! In the future you can look for guest posts from my friends, and I think...even a post from Daddy Berg himself!! (if I can bribe him enough).
Thanks for checking in!!

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