Monday, January 14, 2013

Packers, Paint and Poo

I wish I was able to blog about all the super fun and exciting things we did this week. Unless you call running to the bathroom approximately 55 times a day fun and exciting, then nope, we're not.

Madden Michael is 95% trained! He still sometimes wets at nap time and bedtime, but other than accidents! It took the last 6 days to get the child to poop on the potty, but finally! He called Grandma to say, "me no scared anymore". Well, good!! Even Baby E has been going. Hudson?? Don't ask.
You know the old stunt where all the clowns come out of the tiny car? Here we have a bunch of clowns in a tiny bathroom! How many Bergs does it take to get a kid to pee on the potty? Answer: 6.
We watched the Packers and played our own little game of touch tackle football. Touch is for sissys.
This weekend, the kiddos played really well together. Here, Paisley made a house for H&M. See them sleeping?? I die over Madden's sleeping face every time. That never gets old to me.
Oh yes...and some marble painting.
Baby E. She's talking up a storm, and this week her new thing is "No. I do it myself." Oh good. Oh good. I love this stage. This means you actually can't do it, but I'll just sit here and wait and wait and wait (cuz I have a lot of extra time) until you give in and I do it for you. SIGH. But for real...she's too  big. She's zipping her own jammies, putting on her own shoes, going potty sometimes, singing songs and becoming really independent. Love her to pieces.
Paisley's excited to get a loft this spring when Everleigh is out of her crib. Until then...she has to have her bed like this...and already is asking for 6 more pillows for her birthday (yes, her bday is Dec 25). At least she and Oscie are comfy.
 Many of you who read this blog are family members, curious about what the kids and I are up to. Some of you may have stumbled upon this blog and enjoy reading about the chaos that is our life. For those interested in reading less about what we did during the week, and more about the real thoughts in my head...tune in tomorrow for the launch of CONFESSIONS FROM THE BERGIE BUNCH
~Mama Bergie

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