Sunday, January 6, 2013


Happy 2013! Not only can I not believe it's already 2013, I cannot believe that I've been blogging for five years! WEIRD!
The bad news about people who blog for fun and not a that they don't have to if they don't wanna. And tonight, I don't really wanna. So, I'll narrate the very few pictures I took this week, and leave it at that!

Here is a cute pic of Everleigh sleeping. One night this week, she talked and talked in her crib. I went up to shush her back to sleep and when I walked in she said, "Hi mama! Shhhh, Paisley sleepin'." Gee, thanks, Ev! Now you go to sleep too!! Cutie!
Have I mentioned that it's winter yet? And that it takes work to keep four little children entertained?? We've played several games of Uno and Chutes and Ladders. We've built stuff with legos, and colored, and blah blah.
We've created our own games....
and pirate ships (??!!)
And played with some fun toys from Christmas. This one was really fun until Paisley decided to hang her hair over all four cars as they raced around the track. Yah. And then all four cars were tangled half way up her hair. We could not get them out. I am not gonna lie. I freaked out. I said things like, "Well...get the scissors, I guess you'll have short hair for school tomorrow!!!!  WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!! and "That's it, I'm going to have to cut all of your hair off!" --- I know, I know....terrible mom. Terrible. Thankfully...the damage isn't too bad. Believe me, it's not good either. She's got some pretty short hair in the front....and is probably more so damaged from the mean things I said as I tried to get the damn hair out of those wheels!! Don't worry, I apologized. And then gave a lesson about not putting your hair near anything. Ever again.
New years day we spent at Craig's parents, eating, chatting and playing games...
Love this one of Craig and his girls...
The rest of our existence this weekend we spent in the bathroom. I wasn't quite sure if the boys were fully ready. Close, but I wasn't sure. We thought we'd give it a go. great!! He's had very few accidents and is wearing undies all day. Hudson. He's another story. He didn't go once in the potty. He says, "not yet" --he's not swayed by any toy (or drum stick)...he says he will just get a toy for his birthday. (stinker!) So...we'll continue working with Madden until Hudders is more interested.
BUT..........THIS girl stayed dry in undies for several hours! She peed on the potty about 5 times. We aren't pushing it...but she may be trained before Hudson!
CUTE lil undie-butts!
Thanks for stopping by the Bergie Bunch!
Happy New Year!
Much Love,

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