Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy Birthday, Paisley & Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Dance Performance and Party. Ready? GO!

We spent Christmas Eve with my side of the family. As always, it was really fun. I kinda love my family. Like, a lot. I tend to think they are pretty funny, but then again, I am a Koehler at heart. The kids ate, played, open gifts and played some more.

The whole crew on Christmas Eve...

Christmas morning, all was set. Oliver had done his job, and Santa had delivered gifts!

Christmas morning, the kids peaked down the banister to see gifts in their stockings. They couldn't believe Santa actually came. After a few tantrums over band aids and chocolate, they moved on to gifts!

This is the best picture I could get. I asked all four to grab their favorite gift. Paisley was wearing her favorite, but wanted to hold something too. Everleigh's holding baby Cinderella, Madden is standing next to his farm legos and Hudson next to his firetruck.

And of course, we could not forget that Christmas is more than Christmas in our home. It's PAISLEY'S BIRTHDAY too!! We sang to her as she blew out her candle in her pancake muffin.

After celebrating at our house, we headed over to Craig's parents to celebrate even more!

For months, all Hudson wanted from Santa was a firetruck. That's it. THEN, at the last minute, he no longer wanted a firetruck. The only thing he wanted was "cymbals, drumsticks, drums" ---and thanks to the Lokkens, he got it. And boy has it been fun. ;)

After Bergs, we still had more celebrating to do. After all, we cannot bypass Miss P's 5th Birthday without focusing on that too!

While Paisley opened a few Birthday gifts from us...Hudson played. And played and played. And screamed if anyone went near his precious drum set.

And our big FIVE year old is now a roller-girl. Yup, her first pair of blades, and she's been practicing every day!

Just after Christmas, Paisley had a performance at a basketball game! She's second from the left in the front row....

She did awesome!! She smiled the whole time! She met up with her friend Lydia after!

And, Kyah too!

Some of the girls on her team...

And if you thought we were done....we aren't. :) We still have Paisley's birthday party!! We mustache you a question. Who do you know who would want a zebra print/mustache birthday party???

We had a blast celebrating #5! Thank you to all of our family!

Last year, she wanted pink cowgirl boots and hat. This year, a pink cowgirl jacket. Luckily, Auntie Melissa is talented....she loves it!

Our Miss P. Paisley Rian. Paisers. Pay-Pay (as you want Ev to call you). You are one amazing young lady. It seriously seems like yesterday that you had spiky hair and cried all.of.the.time.
It doesn't seem like we should be celebrating number five. That means you are old. A school-ager. I still think of you like this....

But now you're five. You care about making others happy. You use your manners and question those who don't. You want to marry Everleigh and don't understand why that's not okay. You love school. You get a frightened look on your face and start to cry when I ask you to try a new food. You are incredibly sweet, kind and respectful to your classmates, friends and teachers. You are bossy and cause fights between your brothers because of your 'leadership'. You love to dance, draw and color. You love watching cooking shows with Grandma, making forts with daddy, having dance parties with mommy, making silly faces at Everleigh when you two are suppose to be sleeping, and playing 'house' with the twins. You say that every song on the radio is your favorite. You get so mad when the boys play in your room and always have your bed 'just so'.
You make me laugh. Your giggle is infectious. You make me proud. You make me sad to know that my little girl isn't so little any more. You make me so excited to watch you grow, but so scared that your favorite part of school is getting hugs from a boy. You keep me in check and sometimes tell me, "Be patient mom. You are the mom. It's your job." You make me understand how much every second invested is worth it. You make me so very proud to have a five year old daughter who is happy, healthy and our Christmas miracle.
Happy Birthday, Paisley! Love you always and forever!

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