Sunday, February 10, 2013

Silly Skates

Hi! I'm here! It's been a really long 2 weeks--full of the F word. The Flu got our entire family, bad. Just when we thought things were clearing up, someone else would get a fever. I think things are finally on the upswing now (knock on wood)!

We have one miss sassy pants in the family. She's been full of "NO! STOP IT! BLANKY! UP! MILKIES!" I swear, 99% of the time, she's yelling at us. Hmm, I wonder where she gets that from?! Ooops. Everleigh has also been telling us some stories...stories that are not true. She'll come up to me and say, "Mom, Madden hit me my head!" and Madden was nowhere near her. She's doing whatever she can as number four to get attention, that's for sure!

Here she is with her surprised face, grumpy face, and happy face. Love her.

I feel like it's been the longest two weeks ever, and the kids can feel it too. I say this like every day, but cabin fever has set in and I'm going crazy!! Where is spring??!!  The boys tried to entertain themselves by stepping on each other. Wow, what a fun game.

And we made our fair share of silly faces... (some sillier than others!)

We made forts...

And finally today, everyone was feeling well enough to go out and play! We met the Lokkens for some ice skating!
Hudson whined pretty much the whole time.
Madden pretty much fell the whole time...

And Paisley skated and skated and skated. She's actually really good!!



In just two days, H & M turn three. It's gone SO fast. Which some days, I'm thankful for. ;)
They had their 3 year check ups.
Hudson weighs 27 pounds 12 ounces (12th percentile) and is 36 1/4 inches tall (17th percentile). And for the first time ever (I think), Madden is slightly bigger than Hudson. Madden weighs 28 pounds 4 ounces (16th percentile) and is 36 1/2 inches (22nd percentile).
Next week, I'm looking forward to sharing more about our three year olds!
Happy Valentines Day too!
~The Bergs

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