Sunday, February 17, 2013

Busy Bergs

This week was buuuuusy. Valentine's morning, the kids woke to treats from us, and Grandma Brenda! Luck-Y!
That evening, we fondued (is that a word?? We had fodue :) )!

Valentine's Day was also a snow day. It meant that Miss P and I missed her school Sweetheart breakfast, but the sadness quickly left when she found out Makyah and Cambree would be over for the day! It was a really nice day out, so Craig had the kids outside a lot!


Friday night we met all of the Berg cousins at the Indoor Sports Center for running, jumping, and burn-some-energy fun.

This week, we also spent celebrating Hudson and Madden turning three! What a fun-filled week it was! Whew!

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