Sunday, February 17, 2013


This week, Hudson and Madden turned THREE!
On their actual birthday, Craig was off, so he brought them to my work to play and have lunch together. Then that evening, we made pizzas and opened a couple gifts.

And Everleigh taught us that crack kills.

We celebrated with our family on Saturday. I bet you'll never guess the theme. Thomas and Elmo Bell. :) Shocking, I know!

Aren't these cakes SO adorable!! I had a hard time letting people eat them. No, I didn't make them, are you kidding?! A friend from high school made them...clearly, she's really talented!

While guests arrived, Madden serenaded them with his violin.

And for the whole first hour, these two asked over and over, "Is it time to open presents yet?!" was!

Craig and I have been planning this gift since the boys were one. Seriously. When Craig rolled it out, Hudson was really excited. I had to force Madden to go see it. He was more interested in the "UNO Moo" game he had gotten. It never fails.

When it was time to sing, Madden WOULD NOT look at the camera, and Hudson just did this face....

Finally the Happy Birthday song cracked a smile from both...

Trying out the Jeep (one more reason we can't wait for spring!)

The day was a success. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate. We feel pretty blessed to have these two wild and crazy guys in our life. In one way, it seems like yesterday that they looked like this...and in another way, I hardly remember it. It's gone so fast, and it's been so crazy!
(Hudson on the left, Madden on the right-- 3 weeks old)

(Hudson on the left, Madden on the right-- 1 year)

(Hudson 2)

(Madden 2)
So...who are these kiddos?

Hudson loves: Munchichi, blanky, sports, musical instruments (especially drums), Thomas, reading books, make believe play (especially pirates and 'go to grandmas house'), being chased and jumping.

He love to eat: cucumbers, fruit snacks, avocado, spaghetti,  PB&J, pizza, pears, apples, and soup. He doesn't like mac n cheese.

Hudson writes "H" for Hudson and "M" for  Madden, but doesn't have much interest in learning how to write. He laughs so hard, it's the best laugh ever. He is SO moody. Every day, he spends a good hour with his head down on the floor and will not tell us why he's upset. Over the last few months, he's been really challenging. Hudson will not go potty on the big-boy potty :(. He is very emotional and always tells us how much he loves us. He's a great sleeper (crabby when waking up though) , sometimes asking to go to bed. He also sleeps with a million things...the child easily attaches to...everything. When asked, he says his best friends are munchichi, mommy, blanky and sports.

Overall, our three year old baby A is sweet, jolly, stubborn, goofy, kind, polite and when he's in a good mood....he's SO fun to be around. :)

Happy 3rd Birthday, Hudders! We love you!


Madden loves: Elmo Bell, DVDs (he sleeps with about 10 every night), jumping, playing on the iphone, coloring, playing play-doh, Grandma Brenda, building with legos and brushing his teeth.
He loves to eat: Mac n cheese, cucumbers, apples, chicken nuggets, avocado, pears, bologna, buttered noodles. This is hard...Madden is by far the pickiest eater and before I even set his plate out, he usually says, "Eww, me don't like that"
Madden is potty trained (except at night). He is our funny-man, jokester. He has a very very short attention span. Madden is left handed. He's not a good sleeper--always the last one to fall asleep and always the first one up. He tells us he loves us every day, and is almost always a really good helper! He's also always the first one to find himself in trouble...he's very curious. When asked who is best friend is, he says Grandma Brenda.
Overall, our three year old baby B is silly, easy-going, active, sweet, loving, messy(!!) and a joy to be around.
Happy 3rd Birthday Mad Mike! We love you!
I always told myself if we could just make it to three, we would be fine. Three looked so far away. I can't believe their third birthday has come and gone. They have been SO challenging, SO much work and SO incredibly fun. Being Hudson and Madden's mom is simply amazing. I love these two SO much!

To see what else we did this week, scroll down to the next post.

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