Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snow (cry) Babies

This week, Paisley started another session of dance. I've always wondered if she only loves dance because I do. Which, might totally be the case. However, we were driving in the car one day and she said, "Mom, when music is on, I can see new dance moves inside my head." Now that, that is a little girl who was born to dance. :)

I'm not sure if it's too much time at home, stuck in the house or what--but our sweet Miss P has been hitting, sassing and not a great role model lately. Sometimes I wonder if I expect too much from her because she's the oldest...but lately, she's been acting 2, not 5. As each phase comes and goes, I hope this one quickly passes. I want my rule-follower back!!

The chairs on the couch entertained them for an entire morning. Those chairs became bedrooms and trains and cars and schools....super fun to watch.

Remember how excited I was for the twins to turn three? Yah. The thing about Madden is that he's always gotten into so much trouble...but isn't one bit sneaky about it. He's loud and you always know when he's up to no good. Until now. Three year old Madden is quiet, sneaky and still into everything he shouldn't be. And when Hudson doesn't want to participate, he's got another accomplice. Sweet.

Saturday night I got together with my best friends (minus one) for dinner in, drinks, laughs and great memories. I feel SO blessed to have thee best friends, and all of them for 17 years!
Most of the week and weekend, the kids played outside. least that's all I took pictures of. :) But for real, we have tons of snow, and it hasn't been super cold. It's been the perfect weather to play outside in. But even when you think there is no reason for anything to go wrong...someones always crying about something. Always.
Happy Hudson...

Mad Madden....

Happy Hudson...

Mad Hudson...
The majority of the time, the roles are reversed. The boys, who you might think would be rugged, outdoorsy type...are whining and crying. Ev and Miss P stay out the longest and don't complain. But truly, this week...everyone had lots of fun sledding, building tunnels and forts!

Whoops! Daddy gave her quite the push!

Today Paisley and Craig worked super hard on their fort. The pictures don't do it's awesome!
LOVE these five. Love them.

OH, in other exciting news, in which I'll spare the graphic photos I took--- Hudson decided he was ready!  Whoo hoo! We have two boys who are finally diaper free (other than bedtime). I can just see it now--- summer. sun. warm weather. and no diapers. Part of me doesn't even believe my life will ever be diaper free. We've literally been changing them for over 5 years with no break. I cannot wait.
Hope you all enjoy your week!
~The Bergie Bunch 

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