Sunday, March 10, 2013


It's Sunday night. I'm here! I'm here! Last week I was having a blogger's identity crisis. Long story. But I'm back for the weekly Bergie Bunch updates! Holla!

I'll warn you. I took a lot of pictures with my iphone, so the quality isn't very good in most of the pictures. You'll deal.

Even though the picture quality isn't good....this cutie patootie makes it worth it. This head scarf and jersey were my niece Makyahs. And she's 10 1/2 now! Everleigh looks so sweet in this picture. Boy is she fooling you!

Brotherly love. These two are the best. Hudson shared and spoon fed Madden the entire container of yogurt.
The boys finally got outside to cruise in their jeep a bit more. And then it snowed big time again. Come. On. Spring. 

We had conferences for Paisley this week. Her teachers raved about how helpful and respectful she is. She's above average in almost every tested area and has been pulled into a small group to work on lower case letters and letter sounds...she tested way above average in all writing areas. She's come out of her shell and is friends with all of the girls in her class. Our one goal for the end of the year is to encourage her to gravitate toward the reading area...she always goes to writing center. (the apple doesn't fall....) We are SO proud of Paisley!! She's definitely ready for Kindergarten!
The whole fam dam went to Dr. Seuss' Birthday party at Paisley's school. Picture this: A gymnasium. Twenty-Fiveish families. An art area to make bracelets. Now picture a bucket of beads. And Everleigh. Yup. You know exactly what happened. Now picture 10-15 adults crawling on the floor chasing tiny beads. Good times. It's never dull when the Bergs come to play.
We made hats, fished, colored, charted graphs and read stories.  

This picture is SO H&M. Since day one Hudson has stuffed his food in his mouth and cheeks like a dang squirrel. Madden is just oblivious and laid back...who says you have to see to eat?!

Baby E didn't need to hear the story that the Cat in the Hat was reading. She plopped down to read her own. I die at her cuteness.

And big sis and little sis with their faces painted!

As you may or may not know...Craig is home with the kids two days during the week. I love it because I always get text updates on the kids while I'm at work. Sometimes the texts are of crabby kids...but sometimes they are of one year olds wearing like 6 pairs of undies. Again. I die at her cuteness. 
I always cook dinner. So last week, I put the kids to work. Gotta earn your keep round these parts.

I found Hudson like this one night. Looks comfy, huh?!

When Madden was potty training, I promised him that if he pooped on the potty, he could sleep with me. Weeks went by, and I forgot to keep up my end of the deal. So this week, we agreed to let both of the boys sleep with us. We realized that this was their first time ever sleeping with us!! It obviously wasn't a great night sleep, but worth it. :)

Silly faces have invaded our house, and I'm afraid for my picture obsession that they might be here to stay. I say "smile!" , they do this...

This weekend, we celebrated Grandma Bonnie's Birthday! We love you, Gram and Happy Birthday!!
Thanks for checking in with us! As most of you know, I've started a second blog ("Confessions from the Bergie Bunch" ). I've been having a hard time keeping up with both, and I'm contemplating combining the two. If you would be ever so kind, please take a second to answer the poll question on the right.......AND.....if you haven't 'followed' my blogs, go for it! Just enter your email where is says to do so....and you'll get email updates whenever I update.
Much love!

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