Sunday, March 17, 2013

Enough Already!

My guess is that you are really sick of me complaining about winter and how much it SUCKS to be stuck inside all of the time with loud, crazies?! Don't worry, I'm not offended. I'm sick of being sick of it. And it looks like Spring is no where to be seen.
This is what it looks like from our front door. Dreadful.
See our mailbox?? I don't either.

Craig was getting some of the heavy snow and ice off of our roof, when all of the sudden I saw him walking through the hallway with this! I had to walk away. I was sure someone was going to lose an eye. Or a head.

Baby Ev. The sassy sweetheart is 21 months old today. I wish she was 21 weeks. I can't handle her getting so big so fast. She is learning so much from P, H & M. And much of it, I wish she wouldn't catch on to!
Every day she brings me magazines. Typically "Handyman", and says, "Mom, read this to me." Ummm....okay. So I say, wow, there's a saw. Oh look, a garage. Neat, a shelf. Can we please get a different 'book'?? NO!, she yells.

As you can see from this next photo, our bathroom is trashed. If I could watch 4 kids every second of the day, I'm sure my cabinets wouldn't get lathered up in soap and toothpaste, but...I can't, so they do.
I caught Everleigh getting the key (we have them locked with magnetic keys, you can see the white key on the drawer), and then helping herself to some toothpaste.

Literally. She was sucking it right down!! So...I put some on her toothbrush, locked the rest of the stuff up, and went to unload the dishwasher....

....I heard the water. So I walked in... yuppers, Ev was swishing her toothbrush in the toilet and then brushing her teeth!!! EEEWWW! So disgusting!
I've said it once, and I'll say it's never boring here. I'm pretty sure Honey Boo Boo has nothin on us.
And...again today when Ev helped herself to Paisley's bag of makeup. Lookin pretty, girl.

The other day, I went up to our bathroom, locked the door and jumped in a steaming hot shower. It was amazing. Until Craig popped the lock and said that this little girl was crying to take a bath too. Yes, she's cute but #iwanttoshoweralonedamnit
Oh, and just in case you thought your play room gets messy..... this is ours after I worked out for about 45 minutes next to them.
This week....we didn't do a whole lot. The kids have been obsessed with playing Pippi Longstocking. They take turns fight over who will be Pippi, Papa, Alfonso and Mr. Neilsen. But they literally spend hours pretending and singing Pippi songs.

They've also been making houses out of their PBK chairs, packing up random suitcases to take to Grandma Brenda's house (Madden: "Come on Hudson, Let's go to Grandma Brendas." Hudson: "Oh, Okay. What kind of Grandma Brenda?" Madden: "Mommy's". Hudson: "Oh, okay!" )

We also visited with friends, visited Uncle Larry and Paisley showed us around Cherry Berry! (She had been there before for Kyah's Birthday and was beyond excited to teach us how to get ice cream! :) )

And we can't forget Oscar Licksalot Miller Berg. He's good. He's been chewing up a few lala loopsy dolls and begging for food at Everleigh's chair...otherwise...just still lookin cute as can be.


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