Monday, March 25, 2013

Operation 'mommy stop yelling'

This past weekend, Paisley went to her friend Will's birthday party. Most of the children from her class were there, so she had a blast!

After the party, Paisley had a sleep over planned with Ella. They were both bouncing off the wall excited. I got lots of updates through the night and they were having a blast. Then 10:00 rolled around. I checked in with Ella's mom, and sure enough, they were on their way back. She missed her mama too much. :( Maybe next time!
Paisley is still in speech therapy. She goes for 15 minutes, twice a week. She is developmentally appropriate now, which means if she were tested now, she would not qualify for services. However, we've determined in her IEP that she should continue to get services as long as they are willing. She will also have speech when she gets to Kindergarten in the fall. Again, about 1/2 hour a week. Here is her progress report, and I could not for the life of me get the picture to turn. Sorry.

Operation "mommy stop yelling" is now in place. It seems like the longer winter goes on, the louder my voice gets. I hate it. I feel like all I do is tell the kids to STOP. So, the stop light is back up in our house. So far, we've had two "yellows". I'll give you one guess at the two children who have gotten to yellow. Mmm Hmm. Twin toddlers. I tell ya. Anyway, they've both been devastated to have their magnets moved to yellow, so it's working!
As is the garbage bag of toys that are sitting in the garage. I'm also beyond sick of telling them to pick up their toys. So....the other day, as I vacuumed one room, they had until the vacuum shut off to clean up their toys in the other room. Sadly for them, they chose not to clean up, and thankfully for me, I was able to show them I wasn't kidding. This also worked. The next room was cleaned up faster than I could have imagined. 

I know, I sound like the meanest mom alive. Don't worry, there's time for treats too....


We also did some dancing, visiting with family, hot tubbing and countless hours of pretend Pippi. Two of the four are even fighting over who gets to be Pippi for Halloween. It might be a long 6 months.

(Madden's been telling us that his Godmother teaches him everything and that every picture is for his "God Mudda" she came to visit, bearing gifts! )

And who doesn't love a little girl in pigtails who sees something pretty cute in the mirror?!

Thanks for stopping by!

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