Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Twenty Thirteen

Even though some has melted, we still have a ton of snow on the ground.

And when the ground is still frozen, your yard has HUGE piles of snow, it rains all day, and the people who built your house put in a basin for the sump pump, but didn't actually put a sump pump get a flooded basement on the eve of Easter.

I didn't really capture the water damage very well. I felt kinda bad just standing there taking pictures while Craig scooped water, pulled carpet, and tried to salvage our stuff. So instead I grabbed the kids and just got out of his way. Thankfully, his Dad came to help-- and 5 hours later, he came upstairs.
Luckily, we found the water before it spread to the play area. I know we have an unfinished basement...but with a family of 6, you use every single square inch you can. Plus...we need "Average Craig's" (gym) in working order. Summer's coming soon folks. (or is it?)

This weekend, we colored eggs. The hype is always so great. And in about 5 minutes we had dyed about 18 eggs, and just like that, we were done.

This little girl just pretty much watched. The first egg we gave her, she cracked in about 1.1 seconds. Then we face timed Grandma Brenda and that kept her occupied. :)

My boys. They are SO challenging...but they are also the best. The best of friends. I LOVE watching them together. It's like nothing else. My heart explodes.

In keeping with our Easter celebrations...we had Easter egg pancakes...

And finally...Easter morning!!

We searched for baskets (which were complete with plenty of candy, Monsters Inc stuffed animals, kites, umbrellas, whoopie cushions, books, etc.....and Razor scooters for the big 3, and a Big Wheel for Ev) and then headed to church.

Everleigh dug into her candy right away. Surprise surprise.

They clean up pretty well if I do say so myself....

After church we went to G&G Berg's house. We always have an Easter egg hunt outside. But since we didn't really want to deal with hypothermia today, G&G hid the eggs inside the house. Then....had a glow in the dark egg hunt in the basement. It was pretty cool! Almost as cool as sunshine, green grass and 60s.

Here are the kids digging in to all the goodies! 

After G&G Bergs, we headed over to spend some time with my side of the family. We tried to get a picture of the great-grandkids. This is the best I could do...

But the girls got in some good lovin with baby Michael... so sweet. 

And Everleigh tried to eat the candy with the wrapper on.

We had an amazing Easter. Great times with our amazing family, and spoiled by the EB and grandparents!
I'll leave you with my favorite picture from Easter morning. It kills me. Love these four more than anything. 

Feeling blessed,

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