Monday, April 8, 2013


You know how they say you can't be good at everything? Well, I have not been a good blogger. Good bloggers in my mind, post at least once a week. Probably more. Every day in my life, something has to give. And Sunday, it was the blog.

I think I put it off this week because of a couple reasons, but one...because I once again, hardly took any pictures! Maybe once we are outside doing fun stuff again I'll think to take pictures. But the inside of our house is pretty lame these days!

What isn't lame though, is Paisley's school. They made some pretty cute glasses. She's also pretty cute as she wanders around saying, "I can't see, I can't see! Where are my glasses?!"

I haven't talked much about Madden's DVD obsession lately. It's not because the obsession is gone, but more so that I just want to forget about it! He's not obsessed with watching DVD's, he just loves to carry them around, sleep with them and take them in and out of their cases. But it make me want to scream when I find this.... all.of.the.time. 

This weekend, Paisley had a dance performance! I could sit and watch dance all day long. I heart it with a capital H. However, being squished on bleachers with three kids on your lap, trying to stop them from kicking the guy in front of us, sweating, and listening to them say, "I wanna go home. I'm hungry. I want Spiderman." makes watching dance almost unbearable.

But let me tell you, it was worth it to see our little Miss P perform! She did amazing! She smiled the whole time and her form was as perfect as you can get for a five year old! She sat in her first pose smiling, and I cried. It's hard to explain unless you've loved something as much as I loved dancing...and to see her so happy out there on the floor makes me remember the feeling I had waiting in my first pose time after time. It makes me bawl. And if she continues to dance, it's going to be a long 13 years with me bawling at every performance.

She's third from the left, front row.

After the performance, the kids checked out the Kid's Expo with both Grandmas.

Other random pictures from the week...

I stepped out of the shower to find "Hudson's Birthday Party" taking place, on our bed. Almost every toy from their room was piled on our bed. That was fun to put away at bedtime!

We played a (painful) game of Trouble. Paisley gets so upset when the boys don't follow the rules. And the boys don't understand the rules. Well, Hudson does. Madden....he just does what he feels like. And Everleigh...she would just take the game pieces and RUN, laughing! After a ten minute game, this mama had enough. Someday, game night is going to be so fun! Right?!

Until next week...

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