Sunday, April 14, 2013

We got out of the house!

This week, Paisley and her class went on a field trip to a puppet show. Each year, the students at the college where I teach put on a show. Luckily for Miss P, she got to go twice, as I took the kids on 'staff night' too. They loved it!

When I took the three big kids to this puppet show, I met a new Paisley Rian. Each time we are in public, Miss P is shy. Sometimes painfully shy. She's always very polite and wants to follow the rules but is never loud or outgoing like she is at home. Even after two years of dance class, she still doesn't run around and act crazy like all of the other kids.
When we got to the puppet show, Paisley was pretty excited that she knew what was going on because she had seen it the day before. Then she was chatting it up with randoms all over the auditorium, yelling across the place to her student teacher, Miss Katie (pictured below) and was yelling songs and shouting things out. I was in shock. I had never met this Miss P in public before! It's always fun to see new sides to your children!

When it's time for bed, the kids love to get piggy-back rides upstairs. I'm a 'carry one at the time' kinda mom. Thankfully for them, their dad has bigger muscles than I.

I asked Everleigh to smile.
Pretty sweet smile, baby E!
So, since we aren't busy enough in our household, we've added in a house project. Well, the truth is, I've hated the light pink and brown in the girl's room since we did it. And pretty soon, we will be moving baby E to a big girl bed (sniff sniff) it was time to re-paint! I can't show you the whole thing yet because we aren't finished...but a few pics until the room is complete....
The night before the painting began....

...and hopefully after pictures to come soon. A HUGE thank you and shout out to Brenda (aka, mom) at Wet Paint! for her work on the room!

This week, my bestie's daughter turned one! It's so cliché, but it seriously seems like yesterday I was waiting at the hospital for Elliot to make her debut. I love this little one SO much! Today, she celebrated the big 0-1!

(I know, it's doesn't get much cuter!) 
Happy Birthday Elliot! We love you!

After the party, we hit up the MOA. The kids were excellent! (which I cannot say has been the case for the other 6 days out of this week!)


I was shocked when Paisley said she wanted to go on this ride!

There we are...WAY up there! She loved it! 

Everleigh did a lot of waiting... like this.

Check out Madden's face in this one! So funny! He didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He ended up loving it. :)

As we made our normally, 1.5 hour (but tonight 2 hour) drive home, on April 14. It snowed. And sleeted. And rained. And the wind blew. And I wanted to cry, as I have four children who are dying to get out of this house and play outside. I have a mom and dad who are begging for sun. We may literally be going crazy. It's possible. The longer this stupid weather stays here, the naughtier the behavior gets and the louder my voice does too. Whaaahhh. That's me crying. I want spring.

Oscar's going to be sad when Paisley gets her loft soon. They are so cute. I hope Everleigh likes visitors.
That's all for tonight!
Have a great week!

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