Sunday, April 21, 2013

For the record...

We have one heck of a talker up in here. Everleigh turned 22 months this past week. She is talking in 6-7 word sentences all of the time. You can hold a conversation with her. AND, she's starting to try to tell jokes and be silly. Our conversation as I was still lying in bed wanting to sleep--

Ev: Mommy, Everleigh watch cartoons? Me: I don't know where the remote is. You'll have to look for it. Ev: I know Mommy. Remote way up high in the sky. Yoooouuu caaaaan't reach it. (she giggles).

She's singing entire two verse songs, counting to 10 (sometimes higher), singing her ABC's and making us laugh. Each time I say, "Everleigh, you're silly." She says, "No, you're silly!" She does this to everything!! This morning I said, "Ooh, Evers, you look pretty." She replied, "NO! You pretty!" Okay! I'll take it. Even if it was yelled at me in a sassy tone.

For the record, I don't typically let Paisley head to school like this...

But duh! It was crazy hair and mismatch day! She and Ella looked great! The best part, when Grandpa Mike picked them up from school...he didn't even notice that they looked different! :)

This week, Paisley had lots of dress up days at school. She also got her face painted, attended the book fair and ice cream social.
This picture is of her on her wedding day, she told me.

The whole dress up theme carried through the whole house. Well, undressed, in Everleigh's case. My favorite? Madden. He has a girls dress coat, girls pants, and a backwards bib as a cape. With his nerf gun.
For the record, I hate winter. But ONE day this week, we had sun. It was like 40, and we were in heaven. We played outside, went on a walk and rode bikes! It was great.

Aaaand, that lasted like 5 hours. And then it snowed, again. And rained. And snowed. And just in case you forgot, it's nearing the end of April.

Friday night, we went to see Kyah at her school talent show. She and her friend choreographed and performed a duet. She did great!

Grandpa Mike and his mini-me.

Some days, the kids get along so well. The other days, ugh. (for the record, one day last week Craig apologized out loud to his parents for fighting with his siblings. If 'what goes around comes around' happens in relation to kids too-- then this is all Craig. I had no siblings to fight with.)

And even though those fighting moments suck terribly, the moments when they are having a blast together make it all worth while. And hey, we have to create our own fun being cooped up for 6 months! Even if that means cracking jokes about fake farts. I'm not gonna lie. It's funny stuff.


For the record, the girl's room is not done yet. I probably won't post pictures until it's totally done. There is still a loft to build and bedding to be purchased. Our goal is to have it complete by the time of our annual thrift sale, which is in less than one month. Eeek. Put on your snowsuit and come garage sailing. Sounds pretty fun to me.

Okay, that's all for tonight. This mama is sleepy.

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