Sunday, April 28, 2013


If you haven't  noticed, pretty much every single Sunday night, I'm blogging. Sunday's get kinda stressful for me. I don't do anything on the computer while the kids are awake, so once they are in bed, it's rush rush to get the blog done and prep for the Monday class I teach.

I'm glad I've set each Sunday as my goal to blog, and I'm glad many of you hold me accountable for getting it done! The sad news is that I just don't know if I'm capable of blogging more than once a week. Confessions is slacking. Big time. It's not that I don't have anything to say, come on. You know me better than that! It's that the hour a night I get to myself, I just want to do nothing. We'll see where it goes from here...

But on to our week.

When the weather was still crappy earlier this week, we were going nuts inside. No, really. We were. So we used up all of daddy's electrical tape (oops) and made some cool roads for the cars and trucks to go on.

As I've shared before, some mornings go well in our house. Most, do not. I freak out if I think I'm going to be even 25 seconds late. And...I have yet to ever be late. But still, the thought of it makes me have a panic attack. Getting everyone ready and out the door is a lot of work. I can't tell you how many days it was below zero out, and I didn't wear a coat to work. I was sweatin' just getting everyone ready and piled in the van!
I've been trying to also control the toothpaste situation a bit more. Before, I'd get them set up in the bathroom...they'd brush while I was making coffee, loading the van, etc...then I'd check their teeth. But in those 2 minutes I wasn't there, all hell was breaking loose. So now I do not leave them alone with toothpaste. BUT, some mornings, something's gotta give. I put toothpaste on their brushes, ran upstairs for something, and came down to find the littles brushing like this....
Pretty cute, huh?!

This weekend, we went to Action City to hang with the cousins and G&G Berg.

One little girl just wanted to run on the games and steal people's balls.

Guess what?! I'm happy. It's nice out. And that makes me very, very happy. When I say it's been a long winter, it's been a (insert profanity here)ing long winter. I promise you that with each day that it snowed in April, my voice became louder, my patience drew thinner and my kids became more irritating. But guess what?! I'm happy now. The sun has been shining. The kids played outside. The dirt was tracked in the house. We have had to give baths every night. There is sidewalk chalk up and down every pair of pants I own. I've given a million pushes on the swings. It's been perfect!
Ev cooked us some din din.

We flew a kite.

Everleigh ate her own dirt.

Paisley drove everyone in the Jeep.

The kids all have a new found love of playing in the van.

They ate ice cream. Outside!

And the best part...they even got a long!

With the warmer temps, Craig was able to assist Cal in making Paisley's new loft! Which means the end is in sight for the girl's new room! Now we just have to paint that bad boy. Which paint and our house doesn't really mix all that well if you can believe that.

It's been such a great week. Crazy how a little sun can change our life. For reals. The kids are happier, and so are we!
I sure love these rugrats to the moon and back. They are growing so quickly. They make me smile.
Everleigh Calla. 22 months. The littlest Berg of the bunch.  
Paisley Rian. 5 years 4 months. The biggest kid of the bunch.
Hudson Koehler & Madden Michael. 3 years 2 months. The middle of the bunch.
Bergie Bunch-isms...
Madden to me: "Mommy, what kinda boobs you gonna wear today?!" (oh madden, if only I could choose.)
Everleigh: "Momma, me no like your hat."
Me: "That's not nice to say, Ever."
Everleigh: "Sorry mommy. Everleigh nice. Mom?! I like your pretty hat."
Hudson: "Mom, guess what?! Madden picked a bugger off my face and I liked it. (giggle) Yah, I like when he do's that."
Everleigh to Paisley: "You're something else!"
Everleigh to Paisley" "You rude!"
(and the one that made me laugh/cry)
Craig to Everleigh: "Good night, buddy. Ha ha! I mean, good night, Ma'am." (ma'am?! really?! Oh, we laughed till we cried)

Much love from our bunch to yours...


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