Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dance Moms

Music is a big part of our household. I have no musical talent whatsoever. But luckily for the kids, Craig does. They look forward to this time of year every Spring, when the middle school marching band practices near our house. On their 'daddy home days', they join right in with the band.

This weekend was really busy, but we did sneak in a little kite flying time...

On Saturday, we had Paisley's Spring Show! This is seriously one of my favorite days of the year. I love watching dance. So when my Miss P and our Goddaughter Makyah are dancing, it's even better!

How cute is this little sister, walking in with her flowers for big sissy?!?

As always, Paisley did awesome! She smiled the whole time and said she had "the best time EVER!" She's even more excited that in the Fall, she'll start year-round dance and get to do hip-hop (a girl after her mother's own heart) and wear fun costumes. :)
Paisley's in the front, on center.

Our niece, Makyah Grace did awesome as well! Love her showmanship!

And Kyah even took Paisley out for the 'Krazy Finale'. They don't teach the dance to the little kids, but Paisley was sure trying!

We tried for a family pic. You know how that goes....

And then I went to pick Paisley up and her lip bumped my glasses and it all went downhill from there...

But don't worry, we got this great photo of Craig and our friend Jess...

Paisley and her friend, Lydi

And today, Mother's Day. I love today. I feel so blessed to have the relationship that I do with my mom. I couldn't survive without her. No, really. She's amazing.
My day started out with breakfast in bed and homemade cards! Paisley made me toast and a few grapes. Hudson carried my coffee and Madden and Ever told me 'Happy Birthday' and 'Happy Easter'. :)

We went to brunch with my side of the family, and had dinner at G&G Berg's with family and friends. I know I can speak for Craig when I say that he has one amazing mama too. We really are both very lucky!

Craig, Melissa and Bonnie (we miss ya, Randy! Not that he reads the blog! :) )

Bonnie and her baby...

And Great Grandma Marian and Bonnie...
This morning all four kids each called their Godmothers to wish them a happy mother's day. Lucky for Miss P, she got to see hers!

4 generation picture...

My fam

My mom, grandma and I. Love them. They are some funny ladies. And we all laugh the same. Yikes.

Growing up, it was just my mom and me. She likes to say, "When we grew up..." and it's so true. I will always be thankful for the sacrifices she made for me and the ways she believes in me like nobody else could. Love you mom!

And these four.....oh, these four. You know how when you're a child you think about what you want to be when you grow up? My answer was always a mom. Well, except for the time my friend Jodee and I panned to become dolphin trainers in Florida (ha!). Or the time I wanted to become an inventor. Bahaha. I digress. Anyway. What I wanted more than anything in this world was to be a mom. And even though it's hard....harder than I thought; I love these children more that they will ever know. I will cherish every moment and promise to always be their biggest fan. They are my world.
Thank you kiddos (and Craig) for a great day! XOXO

Today, since Uncle Larry couldn't be with us for brunch, we went to him! He gave rides in his wheel chair! Wheeee!

And I love this picture of Ev and Aunt Mary. Perfect.
It was a great day. I am one lucky mama, totes (that's for you, Bergie).
BUT, how could one single day go by in the Bergie Bunch without a little drama?? wouldn't be Mother's day without a little something going wrong, now would it??
It was bedtime. We were rushing because Craig had to get to bed, and I had lots to get done. Everyone was sitting on H&M's bed and I walked in, smelled something burning, and said, "I SMELL SOMETHING BURNING!!" Weeeelll, you really shouldn't say that in front of a five year old who has nightmares that her house is going to burn down--unless of course you want to spend the next hour calming her down. Anyway, I really could smell was like a hot glue gun, or burning plastic. We checked everything. Every light, every outlet. Craig crawled in the attic.We called our family for help. We checked the rest of the house. Nothing. The smell was really strong in the twins' room and no where else. I picked up the phone to call the fire dept. There was no way I could let anyone sleep knowing something was wrong. And then.....Craig found this....
It was a flashlight that Hudson sleeps with.
The battery had melted right through the flashlight!

Thankfully, it was nothing more serious. But now how in the heck can I ever feel safe giving the kids toys to sleep with again?! I mean would I know that a battery would eat it's way right through the plastic? And wow, was that a strong smell! For real, people. We are a reality show in the making. Because you seriously can't make our life up.

And so the day is done. Well, kind of. I still have about 2 hours worth of stuff to get done, and it's after 10. Fire up the coffee for tomorrow. Oooooh, don't say fire in this house ever again, Brook.

Happy Mother's Day to you all.
~Mama B

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